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Executor Service with LIFO ordering



I wrote a lazy image downloader for my app using an ExecutorService. It gives me great control about how many downloads are running in parallel at what time and so on.

Now, the only problem that I have is that if I submit a task it ends up at the tail of the queue (FIFO).

Does anyone know how to change this to LIFO?

like image 853
pumpkee Avatar asked May 24 '11 08:05


People also ask

Should I shut down executor service?

Upon termination, an executor has no tasks actively executing, no tasks awaiting execution, and no new tasks can be submitted. An unused ExecutorService should be shut down to allow reclamation of its resources.

What are the different types of executors?

There are two types of executor - those that run tasks locally (inside the scheduler process), and those that run their tasks remotely (usually via a pool of workers).

How does executor service work?

The Java ExecutorService's execute() method takes in a runnable object and performs its task asynchronously. After making the call to execute method, we call the shutdown method, which blocks any other task to queue up in the executorService. The submit() method takes in a runnable object and returns a Future object.

What are executor and executor service and what are the differences between them?

Executor just executes stuff you give it. ExecutorService adds startup, shutdown, and the ability to wait for and look at the status of jobs you've submitted for execution on top of Executor (which it extends). This is a perfect answer, short and clear.

2 Answers

You can do it in two or three simple steps:

  1. Create a LifoBlockingDeque class:

    public class LifoBlockingDeque <E> extends LinkedBlockingDeque<E> {
    public boolean offer(E e) { 
        // Override to put objects at the front of the list
        return super.offerFirst(e);
    public boolean offer(E e,long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { 
        // Override to put objects at the front of the list
        return super.offerFirst(e,timeout, unit);
    public boolean add(E e) { 
        // Override to put objects at the front of the list
        return super.offerFirst(e);
    public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException { 
        //Override to put objects at the front of the list
  2. Create the executor:

    mThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(THREAD_POOL_SIZE, 
                                         THREAD_POOL_SIZE, 0L, 
                                         new LifoBlockingDeque<Runnable>());
  3. LinkedBlockingDeque is supported only from API Level 9. To use it on earlier versions do the following:

    Use the Java 1.6 implementation - download it from here.

    Then change

    implements BlockingDeque<E>


    implements BlockingQueue<E>

    To make it compile on Android. BlockingDeque is subtype of BlockingQueue, so no harm done.

And you're done!

like image 74
Asaf Pinhassi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10

Asaf Pinhassi

You will need to specify the queue type that the ExecutorService is using.

Typically you might be retrieving an ExecutorService via the static methods in Executors. Instead you will need to instantiate one directly and pass in the Queue type that you want that provides LIFO.

EG, to create a LIFO thread pool executor, you could use the following constructor.

ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue)

and pass in a LIFO queue as the final parameter.

There is no LIFO queue in the java collections that I am aware of (please correct me if wrong), but you could easily just create an anonymous inner class that extends LinkedBlockingQueue and overrides the appropriate methods.

For example, (untested)

ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 16, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, new LinkedBlockingQueue() {

  public void put(Object obj) { 
    // override to put objects at the front of the list


UPDATE in response to comments.

We can use a blocking queue that wraps a priority queue. We have to wrap because the Executor expects runnables but we need timestamps too.

// the class that will wrap the runnables
static class Pair {

     long   timestamp;
    Runnable    runnable;

    Pair(Runnable r) {
        this.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.runnable = r;

    ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 16, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, new BlockingQueue<Runnable>() {

        private Comparator          comparator      = new Comparator<Pair>() {

                                                public int compare(Pair arg0, Pair arg1) {
                                                    Long t1 = arg0.timestamp;
                                                    Long t2 = arg1.timestamp;
                                                    // compare in reverse to get oldest first. Could also do
                                                    // -t1.compareTo(t2);
                                                    return t2.compareTo(t1);

        private PriorityBlockingQueue<Pair> backingQueue    = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Pair>(11, comparator);

        public boolean add(Runnable r) {
            return backingQueue.add(new Pair(r));

        public boolean offer(Runnable r) {
            return backingQueue.offer(new Pair(r));

        public boolean offer(Runnable r, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
            return backingQueue.offer(new Pair(r), timeout, unit);

        // implement / delegate rest of methods to the backing queue
like image 34
sksamuel Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10
