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Executing functions parallelly in PHP

Can PHP call a function and don't wait for it to return? So something like this:

function callback($pause, $arg) {
    echo $arg, "\n";

header('Content-Type: text/plain');
fast_call_user_func_array('callback', array(3, 'three'));
fast_call_user_func_array('callback', array(2, 'two'));
fast_call_user_func_array('callback', array(1, 'one'));

would output

one (after 1 second)
two (after 2 seconds)
three (after 3 seconds)

rather than

three (after 3 seconds)
two (after 3 + 2 = 5 seconds)
one (after 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 seconds)

Main script is intended to be run as a permanent process (TCP server). callback() function would receive data from client, execute external PHP script and then do something based on other arguments that are passed to callback(). The problem is that main script must not wait for external PHP script to finish. Result of external script is important, so exec('php -f file.php &') is not an option.

Edit: Many have recommended to take a look at PCNTL, so it seems that such functionality can be achieved. PCNTL is not available in Windows, and I don't have an access to a Linux machine right now, so I can't test it, but if so many people have advised it, then it should do the trick :)

Thanks, everyone!

like image 652
binaryLV Avatar asked Jun 08 '10 14:06


People also ask

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A parallel\Runtime represents a PHP interpreter thread. A parallel\Runtime is configured with an optional bootstrap file passed to parallel\Runtime::__construct(), this is typically an autoloader, or some other preloading routine: The bootstrap file will be included before any task is executed.

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Yet another pecl extension is parallel,you can install it by issuing pecl install parallel ,but it has some prerequisities: Installing ZTS(Zend Thread safety) Build PHP 7.2+ version. if you build this extension by source, you should check the php. ini like config file,then add extension=parallel.so to it.

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It allows parallel code execution by leveraging threads or processes, depending on the installed extensions. All data sent to / received from the child processes / threads must be serializable using PHP's serialize() function. This library uses opis/closure to serialize closures, so its restrictions apply.

3 Answers

On Unix platforms you can enable the PCNTL functions, and use pcntl_fork to fork the process and run your jobs in child processes.

Something like:

function fast_call_user_func_array($func, $args) {
  if (pcntl_fork() == 0) {
    call_user_func_array($func, $args);

Once you call pcntl_fork, two processes will execute your code from the same position. The parent process will get a PID returned from pcntl_fork, while the child process will get 0. (If there's an error the parent process will return -1, which is worth checking for in production code).

like image 132
Chris Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10


You can check out PHP Process Control:


Note: This is not threading, but the handling of separate processes. There is more overhead attached.

like image 20
webbiedave Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10


Wouldn't it solve your problem to fork, keeping the parent process free for other connections & actions? See http://www.php.net/pcntl_fork. If you need an answer back you could possibly listen to a socket in the parent, and write with the child. A simple while(true) loop with a read could possibly do, and probably you already have that basic functionality if you run a permanent TCP server. Another option would be to keep track of your childprocess-ids, keep a accessable store somewhere (file/database/memcached etc), with a pcnt_wait in the main process with a WNOHANG to check which process has exited, and retrieve the data from the store.

like image 25
Wrikken Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
