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Execute two different queries in one transaction

I am trying to execute two insert queries in one Statement, putting them together in one transaction.

I was looking at the addBatch method, but if I understand correctly it can be used with a single PreparedStatement to execute the same insert multiple times with different parameters, or be used on a Statement object to add more queries to the batch, but without the ability to add parameters (so I might be able to add the values in the sql string. SQL injection style).

I also tried a naive approach of writing both inserts in one sql statement (insert into table1 values(?, ?); insert into table2 values(?, ?);), but this way the PreparedStatement only sees the first two parameters, and trying to set the 3rd and 4th throws an exception.

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Noam Gal Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 09:02

Noam Gal

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1 Answers

You can disable autocommit, execute two separate statements and then commit a transaction manually:

try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
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axtavt Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
