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Java jar files into a repository (CVS, SVN..)




Why it's a bad idea to commit Java jar files into a repository (CVS, SVN..)

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Neel Avatar asked Jan 10 '11 16:01


People also ask

Can I push jar files to Git?

jar is needed to be added using the command git diff , git will indicate if you need to add the files to your repository. Them use git add . and your files will be available for commit.

3 Answers

Because you can rebuild them from the source. On the hand if you are talking about third-party JAR files which are required by your project then it is a good idea to commit them into the repository so that the project is self-contained.

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10

Darin Dimitrov

So, you have a project that use some external dependencies. This dependencies are well known. They all have

  • A group (typically, the organization/forge creating them)
  • An identifier (their name)
  • A version

In maven terminology, these informations are called the artifact (your Jar) coordinates.

The dependencies I was talking about are either internal (for a web application, it can be your service/domain layer) or external (log4j, jdbc driver, Java EE framework, you name it, ...). All those dependencies (also called artifacts) are in fact, at their lowest level, binary files (JAR/WAR/EAR) that your CVS/SVN/GIT won't be able to store efficently. Indeed, SCM use the hypothesis that versionned content, the one for which diff operations are the most efficient) is text only. As a consequence, when binary data is stored, their is rarely storage optimization (contrary to text, where only versions differences are stored).

As a consequence, what I would tend to recommand you is to use a dependency management build system, like maven, Ivy, or Gradle. using such a tool, you will declare all your dependencies (in fact, in this file, you will declare your dependencies' artifacts coordinates) in a text (or maybe XML) file, which will be in your SCM. BUT your dependencies won't be in SCM. Rather, each developper will download them on its dev machine.

This transfers some network load from the SCM server to the internet (which bandwidth is often more limitated than internal enterpise network), and asks the question of long-term availability of artifacts. Both of these answers are solved (at least in amven work, but I believe both Ivy and gradle are able to connect to such tools - and it seems some questions are been asked on this very subject) using enterprises proxies, like Nexus, Artifactory and others.

The beauty of these tools is that they make available in internal network a view of all required artifacts, going as far as allowing you to deploy your own artifacts in these repositories, making sharing of your code both easy and independant from the source (which may be an advantage).

To sum up this long reply : use Ivy/Maven/Gradle instead of simple Ant build. These tools will allow you to define your dependencies, and do all the work of downloading these dependencies and ensuring you use the declared version.

On a personnal note, the day I discovered those tools, my vision of dependency handling in Java get from nightmare to heaven, as I now only have to say that I use this very version of this tool, and maven (in my case), do all the background job of downloading it and storing at the right location on my computer.

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Riduidel Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10


Source control systems are designed for holding the text source code. They can hold binary files, but that isn't really what they are designed for. In some cases it makes sense to put a binary file in source control, but java dependencies are generally better managed in a different way.

The ideal setup is one that lets you manage your dependencies outside of source control. You should be able to manage your dependencies outside of the source and simply "point" to the desired dependency from within the source. This has several advantages:

  • You can have a number of projects dependent on the same binaries without keeping a separate copy of each binary. It is common for a medium sized project to have hundreds of binaries it depends on. This can result in a great deal of duplication which wastes local and backup resources.
  • Versions of binaries can be managed centrally within your local environment or within the corporate entity.
  • In many situations, the source control server is not a local resource. Adding a bunch of binary files will slow things down because it increases the amount of data that needs to be sent across a slower connection.
  • If you are creating a war, there may be some jars you need for development, but not deployment and vice versa. A good dependency management tool lets you handle these types of issues easily and efficiently.
  • If you are depending on a binary file that comes from another one of your projects, it may change frequently. This means you could be constantly overwriting the binary with a new version. Since version control is going to keep every copy, it could quickly grow to an unmanageable size--particularly if you have any type of continuous integration or automated build scripts creating these binaries.
  • A dependency management system offers a certain level of flexibility in how you depend on binaries. For example, on your local machine, you may want to depend on the latest version of a dependency as it sits on your file system. However, when you deploy your application you want the dependency packaged as a jar and included in your file.

Maven's dependency management features solve these issues for you and can help you locate and retrieve binary dependencies as needed. Ivy is another tool that does this as well, but for Ant.

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Mark Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10
