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Execute two commands with docker exec


I'm trying to do two commands in docker exec. Concretely, I have to run a command inside a specific directory. I tried this, butit didn't work:

docker exec [id] -c 'cd /var/www/project && composer install'

Parameter -c is not detected. I also tried this:

docker exec [id] cd /var/www/project && composer install

But the command composer install is executed after the docker exec command. How can I do it?

like image 980
BraveAdmin Avatar asked Feb 02 '17 17:02


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How do I run multiple commands in Docker exec?

In order to execute multiple commands using the “docker exec” command, execute “docker exec” with the “bash” process and use the “-c” option to read the command as a string. Note : simple quotes may not work in your host terminal, you will have to use double quotes to execute multiple commands.

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2 Answers

In your first example, you are giving the -c flag to docker exec. That's an easy answer: docker exec does not have a -c flag.

In your second example, your shell is parsing this into two commands before Docker even sees it. It is equivalent to this:

if docker exec [id] cd /var/www/project
    composer install

First, the docker exec is run, and if it exits 0 (success), composer install will try to run locally, outside of Docker.

What you need to do is pass both commands in as a single argument to docker exec using a string. Then they will not be interpreted by a shell until already inside the container.

docker exec [id] "cd /var/www/project && composer install"

However, as you noted in the comments, this also does not work. That's because cd is a shell builtin, and doesn't exist on its own. Trying to execute it as the initial command will fail. So the next step is to hand this off to a shell to execute.

docker exec [id] "bash -c 'cd /var/www/project && composer install'"

And finally, at this point the && has moved into an inner set of quote marks, so we don't really need the quotes around the bash command... you can drop them if you prefer.

docker exec [id] bash -c 'cd /var/www/project && composer install'
like image 137
Dan Lowe Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10

Dan Lowe

Everything after the container id is the command to run, so in the first example -c isn't an option to exec, but a command docker tries to run and fails since that command doesn't exist.

Most likely you found this syntax from a docker run command where the entrypoint was set to /bin/sh. However, exec bypasses the entrypoint, so you need to include the full command to run. As others have pointed out, that command includes a shell like bash or in the below example, sh:

docker exec [id] /bin/sh -c 'cd /var/www/project && composer install'
like image 36
BMitch Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10
