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EXE, Resource and Code Reduction

How can I reduce resources inside my application? I have tried a number of tricks I have reduce and rewritten code, reduce line number, Reduce comments, Compressed the final EXE, but this is not the way I want to go, Improve the variable type cast, Remove ICONs,BMP,JPG, from inside the application I need my applications to be as small as possible on the final EXE and in general resource consumption. Any more ideas, any good articles on this subject Thanks

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Jlouro Avatar asked Jan 06 '09 10:01


2 Answers

What about switching debug information off in the project options:

  • no debug info
  • no runtime checks
  • reduce number of external units uses if possible.

But debug info kan be a major killer.

like image 154
Toon Krijthe Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 20:11

Toon Krijthe

I would not spend any time removing comments the compiler strips them out anyway

You could reference your images from an external service(eg Amazon S3)

like image 9
cgreeno Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 21:11
