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Exclude Property on Update in Entity Framework

I've been looking for a proper way to mark a property to NOT be changed when updating a model in MVC.

For example, let's take this small model:

class Model {     [Key]     public Guid Id {get; set;}     public Guid Token {get; set;}      //... lots of properties here ... } 

then the edit method MVC creates looks like this:

[HttpPost] public ActionResult Edit(Model model) {     if (ModelState.IsValid)     {         db.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Modified;         db.SaveChanges();         return RedirectToAction("Index");     }     return View(model); } 

now if my View does not contain the Token, it will be nullified through that edit.

I'm looking for something like this:

db.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Modified; db.Entry(model).Property(x => x.Token).State = PropertyState.Unmodified; db.SaveChanges(); 

The best way so far I found is to be inclusive and set all properties I want included by hand, but I really only want to say which ones to be excluded.

like image 893
Manuel Schweigert Avatar asked Sep 30 '12 14:09

Manuel Schweigert

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1 Answers

we can use like this

 db.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Modified;  db.Entry(model).Property(x => x.Token).IsModified = false;  db.SaveChanges(); 

it will update but without Token property

like image 198
Nitin Dominic Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Nitin Dominic