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Exclude items in array in Where-Object

I was wondering if there is a simple/single-line way of excluding an array of things using Where-Object.

So rather than go:

 $filtereddata = $data |
     Where {$_.var -ne "1"} |
     Where {$_.var -ne "2"} |
     Where {$_.var -ne "3"} |
     Where {$_.var -ne "4"} |
     Where {$_.var -ne "5"} |
     Where {$_.var -ne "7"} |
     Where {$_.var -ne "10"} |
     Where {$_.var -ne "12"} 

I go

 $filterddata = $data | Where {??????}

Or something like that...

Notice that they are all the same .Var.

Is there a way of doing this more simply? Especially say if, in an automated scenario, the number of Var to be excluded is ever growing?

like image 397
AdilZ Avatar asked Apr 19 '17 19:04


1 Answers

$filtereddata = $data | Where{ $_.var -notin 1..12 }

You could use -notin with the .. array notation if your numbers are actually integers and not strings.

Otherwise you could have single where with multiple conditions joined with -or rather than piping to lots of additional where-object commands.

like image 97
Mark Wragg Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 10:11

Mark Wragg