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Excel - Shading entire row based on change of value



I would like to shade entire rows in Excel based on the value of one cell. For example say I have the rows below:

**File No** 1122 1122 1144 1155 1155 1155 1166 

I would like the first two rows (where the value of the file # is 1122) to be shaded in color 1, the next row (where the value of the file # is 1144) to be shaded in color 2, the next 3 rows (where the value of the file # is 1155) to be shaded color 1, the next row (where the value of the file # is 1166) to be shaded color 2

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McVey Avatar asked Nov 10 '10 16:11


People also ask

How do I automatically change row colors in excel based on value?

Actually, it is what does the trick and applies formatting to the whole row based on a value in a given cell. Click the "Format…" button and switch to Fill tab to choose the background color. If the default colors do not suffice, click the "More Colors…" button to pick the one to your liking, and then click OK twice.

2 Answers

I hate using these in-cell formulas and having to fill in a new column, and I finally learned enough to make by own VBA macro to accomplish this effect.

This might not be all that logically different from another answer, but I think the code looks a hell of a lot better:

Dim Switch As Boolean For Each Cell In Range("B2:B" & ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count)     If Not Cell.Value = Cell.Offset(-1, 0).Value Then Switch = Not (Switch)     If Switch Then Range("A" & Cell.Row & ":" & Chr(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count + 64) & Cell.Row).Interior.Pattern = xlNone     If Not Switch Then Range("A" & Cell.Row & ":" & Chr(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count + 64) & Cell.Row).Interior.Color = 14869218 Next 

My code here is going by column B, it assumes a header row so it starts at 2, and I use the Chr(x+64) method to get column letters (which won't work past column Z; I haven't yet found a simple-enough method for getting past this).

First, the boolean variable will alternate whenever the value changes to a new one (uses Offset to check cell above), and for each pass the row is checked for either True or False and colors it accordingly.

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usucdik Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10


What you can do is create a new column over on the right side of your spreadsheet that you'll use to compute a value you can base your shading on.

Let's say your new column is column D, and the value you want to look at is in column A starting in row 2.

In cell D2 put: =MOD(IF(ROW()=2,0,IF(A2=A1,D1, D1+1)), 2)

Fill that down as far as you need, (then hide the column if you want).

Now highlight your entire data set - this selection of cells will be the ones that get shaded in the next step.

From the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, then New Rule.

Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format.

In "Format values where this formula is true" put =$D2=1

Click the Format button, click the Fill tab, then choose the color you want to shade with.

Examples here:

like image 98
Mike Bain Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10

Mike Bain