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iterate through all rows in specific column openpyxl

I cannot figure out how to iterate through all rows in a specified column with openpyxl.

I want to print all of the cell values for all rows in column "C"

Right now I have:

from openpyxl import workbook path = 'C:/workbook.xlsx' wb = load_workbook(filename = path) ws=wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet3')  for row in ws.iter_rows():     for cell in row:         if column == 'C':             print cell.value 
like image 357
Daniel Dahms Avatar asked Jul 27 '16 17:07

Daniel Dahms

People also ask

How do I iterate through a row in Excel using Python?

The openpyxl module allows a Python program to read and modify Excel files. We will be using this excel worksheet in the below examples: Approach #1: We will create an object of openpyxl, and then we'll iterate through all rows from top to bottom.

Which is faster Openpyxl or pandas?

Step 3: Load with OpenpyxlStill slow but a tiny drop faster than Pandas. Openpyxl Documentation: Memory use is fairly high in comparison with other libraries and applications and is approximately 50 times the original file size.

2 Answers

Why can't you just iterate over column 'C' (version 2.4.7):

for cell in ws['C']:    print cell.value 
like image 162
Jonathan Koren Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 08:09

Jonathan Koren

You can specify a range to iterate over with ws.iter_rows():

import openpyxl  wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('C:/workbook.xlsx') ws = wb['Sheet3'] for row in ws.iter_rows('C{}:C{}'.format(ws.min_row,ws.max_row)):     for cell in row:         print cell.value 

Edit: per Charlie Clark you can alternately use ws.get_squared_range():

# ...     ws.get_squared_range(min_col=1, min_row=1, max_col=1, max_row=10) # ... 

Edit 2: per your comment you want the cell values in a list:

import openpyxl  wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('c:/_twd/2016-06-23_xlrd_xlwt/input.xlsx') ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1') mylist = [] for row in ws.iter_rows('A{}:A{}'.format(ws.min_row,ws.max_row)):     for cell in row:         mylist.append(cell.value) print mylist  
like image 27
mechanical_meat Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 08:09
