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Example of Single-Page Application (SPA) using Polymer 1.0 [closed]

Can someone supply examples of Single-Page Applications (SPA) using Polymer 1.0?

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Auine Avatar asked Jun 05 '15 05:06


4 Answers

The Polymer Starter Kit uses a Single Page App structure. Their Github page is here.

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Zikes Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10


Check out Made with Polymer and Built with Polymer.

Both of these are curated sites showcasing SPAs using Polymer 1.0.

And here is an article.

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Let Me Tink About It Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10

Let Me Tink About It

One page scroller app example with polymer + iscroll.


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sgoran Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10


Check out the Polymer session on Google IO 2015. The video https://youtu.be/fD2As5RmM8Q?t=25m52s explains how it is done Polymer way.

The code is available at https://github.com/googlechrome/ioweb2015

The Santa tracker available at https://github.com/google/santa-tracker-web is also a single page app. However the presenter does not get into details on that.

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Srik Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10
