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How up to date is the Polymer Browser Compatibility page?


I need to know how up-to-date this page is and I'm also specifically wondering whether to adopt Polymer/Platform into production apps with support for Android Browser 4.0+ and IE9 support as well.

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eriklharper Avatar asked Apr 15 '14 23:04


1 Answers

Production means things to different people. chromestatus.com, polymer-project.org, and others are already using Polymer in production, but it really depends on your pain tolerance. Churn will dramatically go down when Chrome and other browsers ship the native APIs. We're still iterating on Polymer itself (it's alpha :)).

I also just updated the browsers compat chart. A couple of notes:

  • Android Browser is not supported.
  • IE9 is not supported. IE11 is our target browser. IE10 is sketchy because of the flaky implementation of Mutation Observers.
like image 86
ebidel Avatar answered Dec 23 '22 19:12
