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Event unsubscription via anonymous delegate [duplicate]

I am using Resharper 5.1 code analysis many a times i get a comment from resharper as

"Event unsubscription via anonymous delegate"

#Part of Code  

if (((bool)e.NewValue))
    listView.PreviewTextInput += (o,args) =>
    listView.PreviewTextInput -= (o, args) => 
        listView_PreviewTextInput(o, args, listView);

How could i correct or optimze this thing

like image 595
Ankesh Avatar asked Jan 10 '12 12:01


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In order to prevent resource leaks, you should unsubscribe from events before you dispose of a subscriber object. Until you unsubscribe from an event, the multicast delegate that underlies the event in the publishing object has a reference to the delegate that encapsulates the subscriber's event handler.

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+= subscribes to an event. The delegate or method on the right-hand side of the += will be added to an internal list that the event keeps track of, and when the owning class fires that event, all the delegates in the list will be called.

1 Answers

You can extract the lamdba to a variable:

EventHandler func = (sender, e) =>
    listView_PreviewTextInput(sender, e, listView);

if (((bool)e.NewValue))
    listView.PreviewTextInput += func;
    listView.PreviewTextInput -= func;
like image 57
Steven Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10
