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Evaluating GETDATE twice in a statement - will it always evaluate to be the same?


isnull(some_column, getdate()) >= getdate()

where logic is if some_column is null this expression should always be true. However will this always be so (since between two evaluations of getdate() some time has passed and they won't be equal) ?

like image 506
ren Avatar asked Aug 20 '12 08:08


People also ask

What does Getdate () function do?

The GETDATE() function returns the current database system date and time, in a 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm' format.

Does Getdate work in MySQL?

In SQL Server, we simply insert the value of the GETDATE( ) function into the table to achieve this. We can also set the default value of a column to be GETDATE( ) to achieve the same purpose. The Oracle and MySQL equivalent of GETDATE is SYSDATE.

1 Answers

No, is not safe. You are facing so called runtime constants expressions, of which GETDATE() is the bookcase example, which are evaluate once at query startup and the subsequently the cached evaluated value is used. However each occurence is evaluated separately once and the two evaluation can fall on the separate sides of the datetime precision boundary, resulting in two different values.

A simple test reveals how this happens:

declare @cnt int = 0, @i int = 0
while @cnt = 0 
    select @cnt = count(*)
    from master..spt_values 
    where getdate() != getdate();
    set @i += 1;
    if @cnt != 0
        raiserror(N'@cnt = %d this shoudl not happen but it dit after @i = %d', 16, 1, @cnt, @i);

In my case this was hit right away:

Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Line 9
@cnt = 2515 this shoudl not happen but it dit after @i = 694

I'm not addressing the question how to better do this (you already got plenty of advice) but the underlying question whether your assumption about the run-time execution is right (is not):

GETDATE() twice in a statement will be evaluate twice

like image 51
Remus Rusanu Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09

Remus Rusanu