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Evaluate c# code as string in a aspx file




I have this problem: From a database, held up a string, which contains HTML mixed with C# code. I wish I could run correctly both codes on my page .aspx.

e.g. in my .aspx:

<div><%= Model.repo.getCode() %></div>

and the getCode() method give me this:

<div id="secondDiv"><p><%= Model.Person.Name %></p></div>

so I want the final html file look like:

<div><div id="secondDiv"><p>Jhon</p></div></div>

any suggestion?

like image 342
user1916015 Avatar asked Dec 19 '12 14:12


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1 Answers

There may be direct way to bind such value, But if you could store String.Formatable into database then it would be easy to bind the data needed.

Using String.Format you achieve like,

returned string from Model.repo.getCode() (see curly braces)

    "<div id="secondDiv"><p>{0}</p></div>"; 

And in ASP code,

    <div><%= string.format(Model.repo.getCode(),Model.Person.Name) %></div>
like image 200
indiPy Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10
