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Euclid's Algorithm Time Complexity

I have a question about the Euclid's Algorithm for finding greatest common divisors.

gcd(p,q) where p > q and q is a n-bit integer.

I'm trying to follow a time complexity analysis on the algorithm (input is n-bits as above)

    if (p == q)
       return q
    if (p < q)
    while (q != 0)
       temp = p % q
       p = q
       q = temp
    return p

I already understand that the sum of the two numbers, u + v where u and v stand for initial values of p and q , reduces by a factor of at least 1/2.

Now let m be the number of iterations for this algorithm. We want to find the smallest integer m such that (1/2)^m(u + v) <= 1

Here is my question. I get that sum of the two numbers at each iteration is upper-bounded by (1/2)^m(p + q). But I don't really see why the max m is reached when this quantity is <= 1.

The answer is O(n) for n-bits q, but this is where I'm getting stuck.

Please help!!

like image 809
namesake22 Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 00:11


1 Answers

Imagine that we have p and q where p > q. Now, there are two cases:

1) p >= 2*q: in this case, p will be reduced to something less than q after mod, so the sum will be at most 2/3 of what is was before.

2) q < p < 2*q: in this case, a mod operation will be like subtracting q from p, so again the overall sum will be at most 2/3 of what is was before.

Therefore, in each step this sum will be 2/3 of the last sum. Since your numbers are n bits the magnitude of the sum is 2^{n+1}; so, with log 2^{n+1} (base 3/2) steps which is actually O(n), the sum will be 0.

like image 143
A. Mashreghi Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 04:12

A. Mashreghi