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Euclidean algorithm to solve RR' - NN' = 1. Modular exponentiation with Montgomery algorithm to implement Fermat test in python or Petite Chez scheme

This is as a personal challenge in my introductory programming class taught using Scheme, but I would be equally happy with Python examples.

I've already implemented the binary method of modular exponentiation in scheme as follows:

(define (pow base expo modu)
  (if (zero? expo)
      (if (even? expo)
          (mod (expt (pow base (/ expo 2) modu) 2) modu)
          (mod (* base (pow base (sub1 expo) modu)) modu))))

This is necessary as Chez Scheme doesn't have any implementation similar to python's pow (base expo modu).

Now I am trying to implement the Montgomery method of solving modular multiplication. As an example, I have:

Trying to solve:
    (a * b) % N
N = 79
a = 61
b = 5
R = 100
a' = (61 * 100) % 79 = 17
b' = (5 * 100) % 79 = 26
RR' - NN' = 1

I'm trying to understand how to solve RR' - NN' = 1. I realize that the answer to R' should be 64 and N' should be 81, but don't understand how to use the Euclidean Algorithm to get this answer.

like image 581
Seth Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 18:11


1 Answers

The extended Euclidean algorithm is:

(define (euclid x y)
  (let loop ((a 1) (b 0) (g x) (u 0) (v 1) (w y))
    (if (zero? w) (values a b g)
      (let ((q (quotient g w)))
        (loop u v w (- a (* q u)) (- b (* q v)) (- g (* q w)))))))

Thus, on your example,

> (euclid 79 100)

You can read more at my blog.

like image 90
user448810 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
