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Estimote beacons region detection from a service in background

i recently started testing Estimote Beacons, and I'm trying to launch a notification from a background service when entering a beacon region, but unfortunately my solution doesn't work. It doesn't give errors but the notification is not being launched when a beacon is discovered. I don't know if it is some code error or simply the way of doing it is wrong. I've read this other question but it seems a bit different since what i use is a service instead of an activity, but maybe the answer is similar (app context related)...

here is my service code

public class BeaconsMonitoringService extends Service{

    private BeaconManager beaconManager;

    private String user;

      public void onCreate() {
        // Configure BeaconManager.
        beaconManager = new BeaconManager(this);


      public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
          Toast.makeText(this, "Beacons monitoring service starting", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

          user = intent.getStringExtra("user");

            // Check if device supports Bluetooth Low Energy.
            if (!beaconManager.hasBluetooth()||!beaconManager.isBluetoothEnabled()) {
              Toast.makeText(this, "Device does not have Bluetooth Low Energy or it is not enabled", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


          // If we get killed, after returning from here, restart
          return START_STICKY;

      public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
          // We don't provide binding, so return null
          return null;

      public void onDestroy() {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Beacons monitoring service done", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

      private void connectToService() {

          beaconManager.connect(new BeaconManager.ServiceReadyCallback() {

            public void onServiceReady() {
//            try {
                  beaconManager.setBackgroundScanPeriod(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1), 0);
                  Log.i("BEACOON ", "ANTES DE");
                  beaconManager.setMonitoringListener(new MonitoringListener() {
                    public void onEnteredRegion(Region region, List<Beacon> beacons) {
                      Log.i("BEACOON ", String.valueOf(beacons.get(1).getMinor()));
                    for (Beacon beacon: beacons){
                        Log.i("BEACOON ", String.valueOf(beacon.getMinor()));
                        if (beacon.getMinor() == 64444) {


                        } else if (beacon.getMinor() == 36328) {


                        } else if (beacon.getMinor() == 31394) {



                    public void onExitedRegion(Region region) {




      public void notifyEnterRegion(int code) {

            Toast.makeText(this, "Beacon "+code, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

            Intent targetIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
            PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, targetIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

            Notification noti = new Notification.Builder(this)
             .setContentTitle("Bienvenido "+user+"!")
             .setContentText("Sólo por estar aquí has ganado....")

            NotificationManager nManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
            nManager.notify(1, noti);

      public void notifyExitRegion(){

            AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

            builder.setMessage("Hasta pronto!")
                   .setTitle(user+", estás abandonando la zona de beacons");

            builder.setPositiveButton("Ver web", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                       public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
                           // User clicked OK button
                           Intent i = new Intent(BeaconsMonitoringService.this, WebViewActivity.class);
                           i.putExtra("web", "http://www.google.com/");
            builder.setNegativeButton("Adios!", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                       public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
                           // User cancelled the dialog

            AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();



i will appreciate very much any kind of help, thanks in advance!

like image 743
Hugo Avatar asked Jul 09 '14 09:07


1 Answers

This code is working for me. Make sure you are placing the correct UUID, minor and major numbers.

//Using something like that as global variable

    private static final Region[] BEACONS = new Region[] { 
    new Region("beacon1", "uuid1", 1, 19227), //uuid without "-"
    new Region("beacon2", "uuid2", 1, 61690),
    new Region("beacon3", "uuid3", null, null)
//Note: setting minor == null and major == null will detect every beacon with that uuid

  public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
      return START_STICKY;

private void startMonitoring() {
    if (beaconManager == null) {
        beaconManager = new BeaconManager(this);

        // Configure verbose debug logging.

         * Scanning
        beaconManager.setBackgroundScanPeriod(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1), 1);

        beaconManager.setRangingListener(new RangingListener() {

            public void onBeaconsDiscovered(Region paramRegion, List<Beacon> paramList) {
                if (paramList != null && !paramList.isEmpty()) {
                    Beacon beacon = paramList.get(0);
                    Proximity proximity = Utils.computeProximity(beacon);
                    if (proximity == Proximity.IMMEDIATE) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "entered in region " + paramRegion.getProximityUUID());
                    } else if (proximity == Proximity.FAR) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "exiting in region " + paramRegion.getProximityUUID());


        beaconManager.connect(new BeaconManager.ServiceReadyCallback() {
            public void onServiceReady() {
                try {
                    Log.d(TAG, "connected");
                    for (Region region : BEACONS) {
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    Log.d("TAG", "Error while starting monitoring");

***Editing: code to compute accuracy

 public static double computeAccuracy(Beacon beacon)
    if (beacon.getRssi() == 0) 
       return -1.0D;

    double ratio = beacon.getRssi() / beacon.getMeasuredPower();
    double rssiCorrection = 0.96D + Math.pow(Math.abs(beacon.getRssi()), 3.0D) % 10.0D / 150.0D;

    if (ratio <= 1.0D) 
       return Math.pow(ratio, 9.98D) * rssiCorrection;
    return (0.103D + 0.89978D * Math.pow(ratio, 7.71D)) * rssiCorrection;

 public static Proximity proximityFromAccuracy(double accuracy)
    if (accuracy < 0.0D) 
        return Proximity.UNKNOWN;
    if (accuracy < 0.5D) 
        return Proximity.IMMEDIATE;
    if (accuracy <= 3.0D) {
        return Proximity.NEAR;
    return Proximity.FAR;

 public static Proximity computeProximity(Beacon beacon) {
     return proximityFromAccuracy(computeAccuracy(beacon));
like image 178
jDur Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
