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ESLint prefer-arrow-callback error

I've got a problem with ESLint

Here is my function:

$productItem.filter(function (i, el) {
        return el.getBoundingClientRect().top < evt.clientY

And Here is what ESLint tell me:

warning  Missing function expression name  func-names
error    Unexpected function expression    prefer-arrow-callback

How to solve this error?

like image 737
Stanouu Avatar asked Jul 06 '16 10:07


1 Answers

It is basically saying to use Arrow function syntax in the filter callback function.

$productItem.filter((i, el) => el.getBoundingClientRect().top < evt.clientY)
    //              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Here's what ESLINT documentation for prefer-arrow-callback says

Arrow functions are suited to callbacks, because:

  • this keywords in arrow functions bind to the upper scope’s.

  • The notation of the arrow function is shorter than function expression’s.

And, in following cases the error will be thrown

/*eslint prefer-arrow-callback: "error"*/

foo(function(a) { return a; });
foo(function() { return this.a; }.bind(this));

Your code is same same as the first snippet. So, the error prefer-arrow-callback is shown by ESLint.

To solve the error, you can

  1. use Arrow function syntax(as shown above)

  2. Suppress the error by using options and named function

    /*eslint prefer-arrow-callback: ["error", { "allowNamedFunctions": true }]*/
    foo(function bar() {});
like image 142
Tushar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
