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eslint + jsconfig + nextjs module path aliases (absolue path import - @)

I am trying to import the files using custom aliases following the nextjs documentation.

My current approach is


import Header from '../../../components/Header';


import Header from '@components/Header';

I am getting the expected result. But eslint throws the following error:

  • unable to resolve path to module (eslint - import/no unresolved)

And I have tried adding the following line in my eslintrc file to resolve the error

    settings: {
    'import/resolver': {
      node: {
        paths: ['src'],

But still the eslint throws the same error.

What is the correct approach to resolve this one?

Thanks in advance...

Note: I don't want to remove eslint and I need @components import aliases

like image 955
gayathrithedev Avatar asked Jul 07 '20 15:07


People also ask

Why do I need to configure ESLint?

We're going to configure ESLint to allow us to have path aliases and warnings on our code editor when the path is wrong. prettier will help us as a code formatter and I honestly recommend everyone use it! We need to tell eslint which plugins we want to use and which settings we want to configure for each plugin.

What do the module alias options do?

These options allow you to configure module aliases, for example a common pattern is aliasing certain directories to use absolute paths. One useful feature of these options is that they integrate automatically into certain editors, for example vscode. The baseUrl configuration option allows you to import directly from the root of the project.

How do I configure module aliases in typescript?

For this TypeScript has the "paths" option. Using "paths" allows you to configure module aliases. For example @/components/* to components/*. An example of this configuration:

What is @ left side of tuple in nextjs?

Left side of the tuple is your alias, on the right side is where the alias should map to. In this case, @ resolves to the root folder . This is for the production build. Since nextJS uses webpack to build everything for production, we need to configure the resolver and tell webpack how to read our imports.

2 Answers

Finally after digging into lots of GitHub answers and etc...

Inside your eslintrc file... add the following aliases

    settings: {
    'import/resolver': {
      alias: {
        map: [
          ['@components', '../../../components/'],
          ['@images', '../../../assets/images/'],
        extensions: ['.js', '.jsx'],

and also to fix flow error inside your flowconfig file add the name_mapper

module.name_mapper='^@components' ->'<PROJECT_ROOT>/../../../components'
module.name_mapper='^@images' ->'<PROJECT_ROOT>/../../../assets/images'
like image 83
gayathrithedev Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10


You need to also install npm i -D eslint-import-resolver-typescript and then add below to eslint config file:

"settings": {
    "import/resolver": {
      "typescript": {} // this loads <rootdir>/tsconfig.json to eslint

Reference: https://gourav.io/blog/nextjs-cheatsheet

like image 5
GorvGoyl Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10
