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Escaping chars in Python and sqlite




I have a python script that reads raw movie text files into an sqlite database.

I use re.escape(title) to add escape chars into the strings to make them db safe before executing the inserts.

Why does this not work:

In [16]: c.execute("UPDATE movies SET rating = '8.7' WHERE name='\'Allo\ \'Allo\!\"\ \(1982\)'") --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OperationalError                       Traceback (most recent call last)  /home/rajat/Dropbox/amdb/<ipython console> in <module>()  OperationalError: near "Allo": syntax error 

Yet this works (removed \' in two places) :

In [17]: c.execute("UPDATE movies SET rating = '8.7' WHERE name='Allo\ Allo\!\"\ \(1982\)'") Out[17]: <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x9666e90> 

I can't figure it out. I also can't ditch those leading quotes because they're actually part of the movie title. Thank you.

like image 924
rajat banerjee Avatar asked Jul 10 '10 16:07

rajat banerjee

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1 Answers

You're doing it wrong. Literally. You should be using parameters, like this:

c.execute("UPDATE movies SET rating = ? WHERE name = ?", (8.7, "'Allo 'Allo! (1982)")) 

Like that, you won't need to do any quoting at all and (if those values are coming from anyone untrusted) you'll be 100% safe (here) from SQL injection attacks too.

like image 53
Donal Fellows Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Donal Fellows