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escape for "{" inside C# 6 string interpolation [duplicate]

I am hoping to use a "{" inside a string interpolation statement but I'm having trouble finding the escape character to do it.

var val = "ERROR_STATE";
var str = $"if(inErrorState){ send 1,\"{val}\" }"

Desired output:

if(inErrorState){send 1,"ERROR_STATE"}

The simple solution is to just not use string interpolation, but I think this way of doing it is easier to read.

like image 646
Felix Castor Avatar asked Feb 24 '17 13:02

Felix Castor

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1 Answers

Type { twice to escape it:

$"if(inErrorState){{send 1, \"{val}\" }}"

BTW you can do the same with double quotes.

like image 54
Sergey Berezovskiy Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10

Sergey Berezovskiy