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ESBs vs Services

I'm new to Java EE and have been struggling with some basic middleware concepts for several days now and believe I might have just had a breakthrough in my understanding of "how tings work"; a part of this question is a request for confirmation of my findings, and the other part is a legitimate question ;-).

Please confirm/clarify: My understanding of service buses/MOM (message-oriented middleware) is that they are by nature intended to process client requests asynchronously. This, as opposed to the normal request-response cycle, which is synchronous, which is usually implemented by some kind of service. In Java, such a bus/MOM could be something like Apache Camel, and the synchronous service could be something like an EJB(3). So if the client needs a request processed right away, the HttpRequest may go to a web service which then forwards the request on to the correct EJB; that EJB process the message and returns the result to the service, which then returns the HttpResponse to the client. As such, if the client has a request that does not block them and which simply needs to be processed, the web service forwards their HttpRequest on to some endpoint on a service bus and the request is treated like a message and is handled by various processors (filters, transformers, etc.).

So first off, please correct me if I am wrong in stating that an ESB/MOM solution is best suited for handling asynchronous requests, and that EJBs (again, 3.x) are best suited for responding to synchronous requests in real-time; or confirm that I am correct.

In that case, it seems to me that big applications would need both types of backends to handle synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous (non-blocking) client requests alike. So my theory would be to have my backend implemented as follows:

  • Use a full-blown app server like JBoss or GlassFish
  • In the app server's web container have two WARs: WebServices.war and ESB.war; which represent the backend "gateway" and service bus respectively
  • In the app server's business container have all my EJBs
  • Now, the WebService.war (gateway) can detect whether to relay the request on to the ESB or the EJBs

My second question is: am I way off-base here and have I missed the basic concepts of Middleware 101, or is this a half-way decent approach?

Edit: From the initial responses I already see that I was wrong in two areas: (1) that ESBs and EJBs can in fact be either synchronous or asynchronous, and (2) that, when using MDBs, EJBs can be wired up like an ESB.

So these correction pose some new mental obstacles for me:

  • When to go with an ESB, vs. when to go with a MDB/EJB solution; and
  • I really like Apache Camel's Processors API (implementation of EIPs); could I use MDB/EJBs but inside every EJB just use a Camel processor (Filter, WireTap, etc.)?
like image 806
IAmYourFaja Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 02:02


1 Answers

This is a big question and it deserves a big answer.

ESB's can handle synchronous or asynchronous requests and messages are typically used asynchronously.

However your backend implementation theory is pretty wrong.

JAX WS web services can run straight our of an EJB jar or an EAR and can do it that way in any app server. The EJB can put a message onto a queue or even be asynchronous.

You should not be relaying requests to the ESB but the other way around.

The ESB should be relaying and transforming requests and responses between clients and backends. One of the big ideas with ESB is that if a backend changes the client does not know or care since their contract is with the ESB not the backend.

All this said, if your application is already exposing web services, then you probably don't need an ESB and remember there is no one RIGHT or WRONG way to do something.

I do suggest that you write a more defined question that covers your specific problem, you will probably get a wealth of advice on how to solve it.


You also get message driven EJBs which would indeed let EJB's be chained together in a bus like fashion.


So one scenario when I would use an ESB is if I need to expose non standards based services in legacy systems as a SOAP service. However there is more to consider, you should also implement a data dictionary for your organization, this will allow a greater chance that the ESB exposed services can remain the same even if your legacy system is replaced.

So as a concrete example, the organization should define in its data dictionary what a customer entity looks like, the ESB could expose a service to retrieve a customer. The ESB will perform some call on a legacy based system and then transform the result. If in future the backend system storing customers changes, the ESB exposed service can probably remain the same, and just the backend call and transformation needs to be updated.

Now hopefully with that in mind the next bit will make sense. All of this is possible with a "traditional" ESB such as JBoss ESB or Mule ESB BUT it is also possible using EJB + Camel (or other things).

The advantage of the out of the box ESB are the provided connectors, listeners and transformers. However if none of the out of the box features helps you then there is very little difference in the direction that you choose.

An advantage in home growing your ESB would be maintainability, it is much easier to find a resource who knows EJB well and can learn Camel quickly if they need to, than finding a specialized ESB resource or training a resource.

I hope that helped!

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Justin Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 17:03
