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ORMLite for Android doesn't autorefresh foreign object using foreignAutoRefresh

Here's my problem: I have different entities linked to others up to a nesting depth of 3. All my foreign fields in every object are annotated with

@DatabaseField(foreign = true, foreignAutoRefresh = true)

But only up to a nesting depth of 2 I get actual autoRefreshed foreign objects.

For example, if I query for an A entity and then I do:


for entities B and C I already have all the fields, while for entity D I only have the ID fetched and I need to call the dao.refresh() method in order to fetch all of the D fields. Is it a limitation? I can't find anything about it on the documentation.

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Andrea Sprega Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 07:02

Andrea Sprega

1 Answers


So after creating some better unit tests and looking into this more, this turned out to be a bug. ORMLite was handling the maxForeignAutoRefreshLevel setting in the @DatabaseField annotation incorrectly. Right now (as you seem to have figured out looking at your answer) you need to add a foreignAutoRefresh = true and maxForeignAutoRefreshLevel = 3 to the C field in your B object and the D field in the C object as well. That should fix it.

I created the following bug report:


I've fixed the problem in trunk and I've started the process of pushing out version 4.41. It's been a while since the last release and this is as good a time as any.

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Gray Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 00:03
