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es6 spread operator - mongoose result copy

I'm developping an express js API with mongo DB and mongoose.

I would like to create an object in Javascript es6 composed of few variables and the result of a mongoose request and want to do so with es6 spread operator :

MyModel.findOne({_id: id}, (error, result) => {    if (!error) {       const newObject = {...result, toto: "toto"};    } }); 

The problem is that applying a spread operator to result transform it in a wierd way:

newObject: {    $__: {       $options: true,       activePaths: {...},       emitter: {...},       getters: {...},       ...       _id: "edh5684dezd..."    }    $init: true,    isNew: false,    toto: "toto",    _doc: {       _id: "edh5684dezd...",       oneFieldOfMyModel: "tata",       anotherFieldOfMyModel: 42,       ...    } } 

I kind of understand that the object result is enriched by mongoose to permit specific interactions with it but when I console.log before doing so it depict a simple object without all those things.

I would like not to cheat by doing ...result._doc because I abstract this part and it won't fit that way. Maybe there is a way to copy an object without eriched stuff.

Thank you for your time.

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Lucien Perouze Avatar asked Dec 28 '17 21:12

Lucien Perouze

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1 Answers

You can use the Mongoose Document.toObject() method. It will return the underlying plain JavaScript object fetched from the database.

const newObject = {...result.toObject(), toto: "toto"}; 

You can read more about the .toObject() method here.

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Tsvetan Ganev Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Tsvetan Ganev