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Sequelize Where if not null

Lets say I want to do a select command with


But if the user does not provide the id then it should just not bother with the WHERE ID (since it is null)

How can I handle this with Sequelize?

like image 344
Asfgasdf Avatar asked Jun 01 '18 14:06


2 Answers

  updatedAt: null,
}, {
  where: {
    deletedAt: {
      [Op.ne]: null
like image 133
chetan palrecha Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10

chetan palrecha

I read the title and it says, where if not null. However, I show IS NOT NULL and IS NULL

I attachment a example.

    const cars = await Car.findAll({
    where: {
        userId: {
            [Op.in]: myUserIds, // array like userId IN [2, 3, 4]
        action: 'start', // like: action = 'start'
        sellDate: {
            [Op.not]: null, // Like: sellDate IS NOT NULL
        status: {
            [Op.is]: null, // Like: status IS NULL
    order: [
        ['id', 'DESC'] // Like: ORDER BY id DESC
    limit: 5, 
    offset: 1

For details I attachment the file node_modules/sequelize/types/lib/operators.d.ts

I hope help you.

 * object that holds all operator symbols
declare const Op: {
   * Operator -|- (PG range is adjacent to operator)
   * ```js
   * [Op.adjacent]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * -|- [1, 2)
   * ```
  readonly adjacent: unique symbol;
   * Operator ALL
   * ```js
   * [Op.gt]: {
   *  [Op.all]: literal('SELECT 1')
   * }
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * > ALL (SELECT 1)
   * ```
  readonly all: unique symbol;
   * Operator AND
   * ```js
   * [Op.and]: {a: 5}
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * AND (a = 5)
   * ```
  readonly and: unique symbol;
   * Operator ANY ARRAY (PG only)
   * ```js
   * [Op.any]: [2,3]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * ```
   * Operator LIKE ANY ARRAY (also works for iLike and notLike)
   * ```js
   * [Op.like]: { [Op.any]: ['cat', 'hat']}
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * LIKE ANY ARRAY['cat', 'hat']
   * ```
  readonly any: unique symbol;
   * Operator BETWEEN
   * ```js
   * [Op.between]: [6, 10]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * BETWEEN 6 AND 10
   * ```
  readonly between: unique symbol;
   * With dialect specific column identifiers (PG in this example)
   * ```js
   * [Op.col]: 'user.organization_id'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * = "user"."organization_id"
   * ```
  readonly col: unique symbol;
   * Operator <@ (PG array contained by operator)
   * ```js
   * [Op.contained]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * <@ [1, 2)
   * ```
  readonly contained: unique symbol;
   * Operator @> (PG array contains operator)
   * ```js
   * [Op.contains]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * @> [1, 2)
   * ```
  readonly contains: unique symbol;
   * Operator LIKE
   * ```js
   * [Op.endsWith]: 'hat'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * LIKE '%hat'
   * ```
  readonly endsWith: unique symbol;
   * Operator =
   * ```js
   * [Op.eq]: 3
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * = 3
   * ```
  readonly eq: unique symbol;
   * Operator >
   * ```js
   * [Op.gt]: 6
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * > 6
   * ```
  readonly gt: unique symbol;
   * Operator >=
   * ```js
   * [Op.gte]: 6
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * >= 6
   * ```
  readonly gte: unique symbol;

   * Operator ILIKE (case insensitive) (PG only)
   * ```js
   * [Op.iLike]: '%hat'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * ILIKE '%hat'
   * ```
  readonly iLike: unique symbol;
   * Operator IN
   * ```js
   * [Op.in]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * IN [1, 2]
   * ```
  readonly in: unique symbol;
   * Operator ~* (PG only)
   * ```js
   * [Op.iRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * ~* '^[h|a|t]'
   * ```
  readonly iRegexp: unique symbol;
   * Operator IS
   * ```js
   * [Op.is]: null
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * IS null
   * ```
  readonly is: unique symbol;
   * Operator LIKE
   * ```js
   * [Op.like]: '%hat'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * LIKE '%hat'
   * ```
  readonly like: unique symbol;
   * Operator <
   * ```js
   * [Op.lt]: 10
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * < 10
   * ```
  readonly lt: unique symbol;
   * Operator <=
   * ```js
   * [Op.lte]: 10
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * <= 10
   * ```
  readonly lte: unique symbol;
   * Operator !=
   * ```js
   * [Op.ne]: 20
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * != 20
   * ```
  readonly ne: unique symbol;
   * Operator &> (PG range does not extend to the left of operator)
   * ```js
   * [Op.noExtendLeft]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * &> [1, 2)
   * ```
  readonly noExtendLeft: unique symbol;
   * Operator &< (PG range does not extend to the right of operator)
   * ```js
   * [Op.noExtendRight]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * &< [1, 2)
   * ```
  readonly noExtendRight: unique symbol;
   * Operator NOT
   * ```js
   * [Op.not]: true
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * ```
  readonly not: unique symbol;
   * Operator NOT BETWEEN
   * ```js
   * [Op.notBetween]: [11, 15]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 15
   * ```
  readonly notBetween: unique symbol;
   * Operator NOT ILIKE (case insensitive) (PG only)
   * ```js
   * [Op.notILike]: '%hat'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * NOT ILIKE '%hat'
   * ```
  readonly notILike: unique symbol;
   * Operator NOT IN
   * ```js
   * [Op.notIn]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * NOT IN [1, 2]
   * ```
  readonly notIn: unique symbol;
   * Operator !~* (PG only)
   * ```js
   * [Op.notIRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * !~* '^[h|a|t]'
   * ```
  readonly notIRegexp: unique symbol;
   * Operator NOT LIKE
   * ```js
   * [Op.notLike]: '%hat'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * NOT LIKE '%hat'
   * ```
  readonly notLike: unique symbol;
   * Operator NOT REGEXP (MySQL/PG only)
   * ```js
   * [Op.notRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * NOT REGEXP/!~ '^[h|a|t]'
   * ```
  readonly notRegexp: unique symbol;
   * Operator OR
   * ```js
   * [Op.or]: [{a: 5}, {a: 6}]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * (a = 5 OR a = 6)
   * ```
  readonly or: unique symbol;
   * Operator && (PG array overlap operator)
   * ```js
   * [Op.overlap]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * && [1, 2)
   * ```
  readonly overlap: unique symbol;
   * Internal placeholder 
   * ```js
   * [Op.placeholder]: true
   * ```
  readonly placeholder: unique symbol;
   * Operator REGEXP (MySQL/PG only)
   * ```js
   * [Op.regexp]: '^[h|a|t]'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * REGEXP/~ '^[h|a|t]'
   * ```
  readonly regexp: unique symbol;
   * Operator LIKE
   * ```js
   * [Op.startsWith]: 'hat'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * LIKE 'hat%'
   * ```
  readonly startsWith: unique symbol;
   * Operator << (PG range strictly left of operator)
   * ```js
   * [Op.strictLeft]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * << [1, 2)
   * ```
  readonly strictLeft: unique symbol;
   * Operator >> (PG range strictly right of operator)
   * ```js
   * [Op.strictRight]: [1, 2]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * >> [1, 2)
   * ```
  readonly strictRight: unique symbol;
   * Operator LIKE
   * ```js
   * [Op.substring]: 'hat'
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * LIKE '%hat%'
   * ```
  readonly substring: unique symbol;
   * Operator VALUES
   * ```js
   * [Op.values]: [4, 5, 6]
   * ```
   * In SQL
   * ```sql
   * VALUES (4), (5), (6)
   * ```
  readonly values: unique symbol;

export = Op;
like image 30
gabrielrincon Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10
