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ES2016 Class, Sinon Stub Constructor

I'm trying to stub out a super call with sinon, and es2016 but I'm not having much luck. Any ideas why this isn't working?

Running Node 6.2.2, this might be an issue with its implementation of classes/constructors.

.babelrc file:

  "presets": [
  "plugins": [


import sinon from 'sinon';

class Foo {
  constructor(message) {

class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor() {

describe('Example', () => {
  it('should stub super.constructor call', () => {
    sinon.stub(Foo.prototype, 'constructor');

    new Bar();



AssertError: expected constructor to be called once but was called 0 times
    at Object.fail (node_modules\sinon\lib\sinon\assert.js:110:29)
    at failAssertion (node_modules\sinon\lib\sinon\assert.js:69:24)
    at Object.assert.(anonymous function) [as calledOnce] (node_modules\sinon\lib\sinon\assert.js:94:21)
    at Context.it (/test/classtest.spec.js:21:18)

Note: this issue seems to only happen for constructors. I can spy on methods inherited from the parent class without any issues.

like image 640
klyd Avatar asked Oct 26 '16 19:10


People also ask

How do you stub the instance of a class in Sinon?

to stub the myMethod instance method in the YourClass class. We call callsFake with a callback that returns the value we want for the fake method. sinon. stub(YourClass, "myStaticMethod").

How do I stub an object in Sinon?

If you need to check that a certain value is set before a function is called, you can use the third parameter of stub to insert an assertion into the stub: var object = { }; var expectedValue = 'something'; var func = sinon. stub(example, 'func', function() { assert. equal(object.

How does Sinon stub work?

The sinon. stub() substitutes the real function and returns a stub object that you can configure using methods like callsFake() . Stubs also have a callCount property that tells you how many times the stub was called. For example, the below code stubs out axios.

How do you stub a promise in Sinon?

To stub a promise with sinon and JavaScript, we can return a promise with a stub. import sinon from "sinon"; const sandbox = sinon. sandbox. create(); const promiseResolved = () => sandbox.

3 Answers

You'll need to setPrototypeOf the subClass due to the way JavaScript implements inheritance.

const sinon = require("sinon");

class Foo {
  constructor(message) {

class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor() {

describe('Example', () => {
  it('should stub super.constructor call', () => {
    const stub = sinon.stub().callsFake();
    Object.setPrototypeOf(Bar, stub);

    new Bar();

like image 104
Wenshan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10


You need to spy instead of stub,

sinon.spy(Foo.prototype, 'constructor');

describe('Example', () => {
  it('should stub super.constructor call', () => {
    const costructorSpy = sinon.spy(Foo.prototype, 'constructor');
    new Bar();

*****Update****** Above was not working as expected, I added this way and is working now.

 describe('Example', () => {
    it('should stub super.constructor call', () => {
      const FooStub = spy(() => sinon.createStubInstance(Foo));
like image 41
anoop Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10


Adding to the accepted answer of Wenshan, there is one step that may be overlooked when stubbing the parent class and replacing the original parent class with setPrototypeOf.

💡 Additionally, to avoid it breaking the succeeding tests it is a good idea to set back the original parent class at the end, like:

const sinon = require("sinon");
class Foo {
  constructor(message) {
class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor() {
describe('Bar constructor', () => {
  it('should call super', () => {
    const stub = sinon.stub().callsFake();
    const original = Object.getPrototypeOf(Bar);  // Bar.__proto__ === Foo

    Object.setPrototypeOf(Bar, stub);             // Bar.__proto__ === stub
    new Bar();
    Object.setPrototypeOf(Bar, original);         // Bar.__proto__ === Foo


The addition is

// saving the reference to the original parent class:
const original = Object.getPrototypeOf(Bar);
// setting back the original parent class after stubbing and the assertion:
Object.setPrototypeOf(Bar, original); 
like image 1
ross-u Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10
