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Chaining Singles together in RxJava


I am using RxJava in my android app along with Retrofit to make network requests to a server. I am using RxJavaCallAdapterFactory so I can have my retrofit requests return singles. In my code, the retrofit object is named 'api'.

The code here works fine, but in this example, I need to retrieve the userId before I can make a playlist. I flat map the userId request to the API request, and after making the playlist, I need to use flat map again to convert the JSON response to a usable object.

public JSONUser me;

public Single<String> getUserId(){

    if(me != null){
        return Single.just(me.getUserId());

    return api.getMe().flatMap(new Func1<JSONUser, Single<String>>() {
        public Single<String> call(JSONUser meResult) {
            me = meResult;
            return Single.just(me.getUserId());

public Single<Playlist> createPlaylist(String name) {

    final NewPlaylistConfig config = new NewPlaylistConfig(name);

    return getUserId().flatMap(new Func1<String, Single<Playlist>>() {
        public Single<Playlist> call(String userId) {
            return api.createPlaylist(userId, config).flatMap(
                    new Func1<JSONPlaylist, Single<? extends SpotifyPlaylist>>() {
                        public Single<? extends Playlist> call(JSONPlaylist data) {
                            return Single.just(new Playlist(data));

The entry point here would be createPlaylist(). NewPlaylistConfig will be converted to JSON and is simply the body parameter for the POST request. UserId is needed as a path parameter.

My main question here, is if there is a way to chain these operations without the "callback-hell" you see here. Like I said, this code works but it is really ugly. I would appreciate if somebody could point me in the right direction regarding this. Is there a way to make this work like promises where you can just chain .thens?

Thank you.

like image 200
Jtvd78 Avatar asked Feb 08 '17 06:02


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1 Answers

Instead of:

    .flatMap(new Func1<String, Single<Playlist>>() {
        public Single<Playlist> call(String userId) {
            return api.createPlaylist(userId, config).flatMap(
                new Func1<JSONPlaylist, Single<? extends SpotifyPlaylist>>() {
                    public Single<? extends Playlist> call(JSONPlaylist data) {
                        return Single.just(new Playlist(data));


    .flatMap(new Func1<String, Single<Playlist>>() {
        public Single<Playlist> call(String userId) {
            return api.createPlaylist(userId, config);
        new Func1<JSONPlaylist, Single<? extends SpotifyPlaylist>>() {
            public Single<? extends Playlist> call(JSONPlaylist data) {
                return Single.just(new Playlist(data));

Actually you can chain flatmap (and map) like you chain then with promises.

Note you can replace the second flatmap with map, replacing:

return Single.just(new Playlist(data));


return new Playlist(data);

Result :

    .flatMap(new Func1<String, Single<Playlist>>() {
        public Single<Playlist> call(String userId) {
            return api.createPlaylist(userId, config);
        new Func1<JSONPlaylist, SpotifyPlaylist>() {
            public SpotifyPlaylist call(JSONPlaylist data) {
                return new Playlist(data);

Edit: you can go further with java 8:

    .flatMap(userId -> api.createPlaylist(userId, config))
    .map(data -> new Playlist(data));

Or Kotlin:

    .flatMap { api.createPlaylist(it, config) }
    .map { Playlist(it) }
like image 145
Geoffrey Marizy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10

Geoffrey Marizy