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Is there a way to make a console application run using only a single file in .NET Core?


In .NET framework, you can make a single .EXE file that will run from the command line without having any extra config files (and if using ILMerge, you can put all .DLL references into the 1 .EXE assembly).

I am taking a stab at using .NET Core to accomplish the same thing, but so far without success. Even the simplest Hello World application with no dependencies requires there to be a file named <MyApp>.runtimeconfig.json in order to run using dotnet.exe.

dotnet F:\temp\MyApp.dll

The contents of the <MyApp>.runtimeconfig.json are as follows:

  "runtimeOptions": {
    "framework": {
      "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
      "version": "1.1.1"

Without this config file in the same folder as the .DLL, I get the following error:

A fatal error was encountered. The library 'hostpolicy.dll' required to
execute the application was not found in 'F:\temp'.

My question is: Is there some way to change the application so it doesn't require this config file to be present, so that the defaults of this information are compiled within the .DLL but can be overridden by adding the config file?

NOTE: I also want to ensure it "just works" regardless of the platform it is installed on it provided the platform has the right version of .NET Core.


I am trying to get a smooth user experience for running some utilities that are useful sometimes, but are rarely ever needed. Since it doesn't appear to be possible to use the same .DLL that is referenced from a client application as a console application, the next best thing would be to have a single file that could be downloaded and run without any dependencies.

For example, in Java you can simply download a .jar file on any supported platform and run:

java <package>.jar <namespace>.SomeClass [args]

and it will "just work" without any extra files. How can I get a similar user experience using .NET Core?

In a nutshell, I want to try to avoid the extra step of "unzip to a directory first"...

like image 799
NightOwl888 Avatar asked Jun 29 '17 21:06


People also ask

How do I run a .NET core console app?

In . NET Core, it runs from the dll, so you have to just run the application by running the command prompt and using the command - dotnet run. Open your command prompt and go to that folder where your application persists.

How do I create an EXE for .NET core console application?

First, right-click on the project and then hit Publish, then select folder and click create. Click the edit button to edit the configuration. In the publish configuration you can check the single EXE option.

What is self-contained app?

A self-contained application consists of a single, installable bundle that contains your application and a copy of the JRE needed to run the application. When the application is installed, it behaves the in the same way as any native application.

1 Answers

Update 2018: .NET Core 3.0 aims to enable a new scenario: packing the .NET Core runtime and all application dependencies into a single executable.

At the moment, there are no fail-safe methods to create a single executable file. Since there are a lot of type-forwarding dll files involved, even ILMerge and similar tools might not produce correct results (though this might improve, the problem is that those scenarios haven't undergone extensive testing, esp. in production applications)

There are currently two ways to deploy a .NET Core application:

  • As a "portable application" / "framework-dependent application", requiring a dotnet executable and installed framework on the target machine. Here, the XYZ.runtimeconfig.json is used to determine the framework version to use and also specifies runtime parameters. This deployment model allows running the same code on various platforms (windows, linux, mac)
  • As a "self-contained application": Here the entire runtime is included in the published output and an executable is generated (e.g. yourapp.exe). This output is specific to a platform (set via a runtime identifier) and can only be run on the targeted operating system. However, the produced executable is only a small shim that boots the runtime and loads the app's main dll file. This also allows an XYZ.runtimeconfig.json to set additional runtime properties like garbage collection settings.(think of it as a "new" app.config file)

In the future, the CoreRT runtime – which is still under development at the time of writing – aims to allow creating a single pre-compiled native executable that is specific to a runtime and does not require any other files.

like image 93
Martin Ullrich Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Martin Ullrich