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Error with my ".eslintrc.js" file - "Parsing error: "parserOptions.project" has been set for @typescript-eslint/parser."

ESLint seems to be unable to parse a ".eslintrc.js" file.

Steps to reproduce: I set up a new "hello world" TypeScript project as follows:

# Make a new directory for our new project
mkdir test
# Go into the new directory
cd test
# Create a "package.json" file
npm init --yes
# Install TypeScript
npm install typescript --save-dev
# Install ESLint (the linter)
npm install eslint --save-dev
# Install the Airbnb ESLint config (the most popular linting config in the world)
npm install eslint-config-airbnb-typescript --save-dev
# The import plugin for ESLint is needed for the Airbnb config to work properly with TypeScript
npm install eslint-plugin-import@^2.22.0 --save-dev
# The TypeScript plugin for ESLint is needed for the Airbnb config to work properly with TypeScript
npm install @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@^4.2.0 --save-dev
# Create the config file for TypeScript
touch tsconfig.json
# Create the config file for ESLint
touch .eslintrc.js
# Create the entry point for our TypeScript application
touch main.ts

I fill the "tsconfig.json" file with the following (a blank/default config):


I fill the ".eslintrc.js" file with the following, as specified in the Airbnb documentation:

module.exports = {
  extends: ['airbnb-typescript/base'],
  parserOptions: {
    project: './tsconfig.json',

I fill the "main.ts" with the following:

const foo = 'bar';

Then, when I run npx eslint main.ts, it correctly generates the following error:

  1:7  error  'foo' is assigned a value but never used  @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

Thus, ESLint appears to be working correctly. However, when I run npx eslint .eslintrc.js, I get the following error:

  0:0  error  Parsing error: "parserOptions.project" has been set for @typescript-eslint/parser.
The file does not match your project config: .eslintrc.js.
The file must be included in at least one of the projects provided

This error also appears in VSCode whenever I open the ".eslintrc.js" file. The error needs to be solved so that ESLint can lint the rest of the file. (To clarify, I want the ".eslintrc.js" file to be linted in the same way that I want my TypeScript source code to be linted - e.g. have 2 space indentation and so forth.)

Additional info: I am on Windows 10 LTSC with Node v14.8.0 and npm version 6.14.7.

like image 766
James Avatar asked Oct 08 '20 22:10


People also ask

What is parserOptions project?

parserOptions. This option allows you to request that when the project setting is specified, files will be allowed when not included in the projects defined by the provided tsconfig. json files. Using this option will incur significant performance costs. This option is primarily included for backwards-compatibility.

What is parser in Eslint?

@babel/eslint-parser is a parser that allows ESLint to run on source code that is transformed by Babel. Note: You only need to use @babel/eslint-parser if you are using Babel to transform your code.

Can not read file Tsconfig JSON?

To solve the error "Parsing Error: Cannot read file 'tsconfig. json'", update your . eslintrc. js file to set the tsconfigRootDir option to __dirname to force eslint to resolve your project configuration relative to the folder where .

2 Answers

When you're using typescript-powered eslint rules (when your eslint config includes a "parserOptions.project" config), eslint throws an error if you attempt to lint a file that isn't one of the files that's included in the typescript project.

This is due to performance reasons - it used to be that eslint allowed this, but doing so would cause a a large performance hit, so they changed it to throw an error instead.

The solution to linting files that aren't part of your TS project is to create a tsconfig that extends your "real" tsconfig, but includes all the files you want to lint. This is usually called tsconfig.eslint.json and looks like this:

// Special typescript project file, used by eslint only.
    "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
    "include": [
        // repeated from base config's "include" setting

        // these are the eslint-only inclusions

And in your .eslintrc.js you'll change project: './tsconfig.json' to project: './tsconfig.eslint.json'.

This should resolve the error and allow the .eslintrc.js file to be linted.

like image 179
Retsam Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11


Retsam‘s answer works perfectly well. However, you could also only use @typescript-eslint/parser for TypeScript files by using ESLint’s overrides. This avoids having to create a new tsconfig.json just for ESLint.

module.exports = {
  // Common configuration for .eslintrc.js and TypeScript files
  rules: {
    eqeqeq: "error",
    "no-var": "error",
    // ...
  overrides: [{
    files: "**/*.ts"
    // TypeScript-only configuration
    parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
    parserOptions: {
      project: "tsconfig.json",
      tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
      sourceType: "module",
    plugins: ["@typescript-eslint"],
    rules: {
      "@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises": "error",
      // ...
like image 39
cherryblossom Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
