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Error while starting my project ( after running ng serve )

I downloaded the zip file of the project from the online MOOC I am learning. It was working fine until now but now I am facing the error as described below :-

I tried running ng serve again and also running npm install again but every time I encounter the following error:

ERROR in node_modules/rxjs-compat/operator/shareReplay.d.ts(2,10): error TS2305: Module '"/Users/ratnabhkumarrai/Downloads/prj-http-final 3/node_modules/rxjs/internal-compatibility/index"' has no exported member 'ShareReplayConfig'.

import { Observable, SchedulerLike } from 'rxjs';
import { ShareReplayConfig } from 'rxjs/internal-compatibility';
* @method shareReplay
* @owner Observable
export declare function shareReplay<T>(this: Observable<T>, config: 
ShareReplayConfig): Observable<T>;
export declare function shareReplay<T>(this: Observable<T>, 
bufferSize?: number, windowTime?: number, scheduler?: SchedulerLike): 
like image 964
Ratnabh Kumar Rai Avatar asked Feb 02 '19 07:02

Ratnabh Kumar Rai

Video Answer

1 Answers

I had to downgrade rxjs-compat and was able to get past it.

"rxjs-compat": "6.3.3"

like image 96
yomateo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10
