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Error when trying vagrant up



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How do I fix my vagrant?

Open VirtualBox, power off the VM (right click, close, power off), right click, select Settings, select System on the left, click on Acceleration, then clear "Enable VT-x/AMD-V" for hardware virtualization. Click on OK and then execute vagrant up. A less preferred solution is to re-enable it in the BIOS.

What is vagrant up command?

Command: vagrant up [name|id] This command creates and configures guest machines according to your Vagrantfile. This is the single most important command in Vagrant, since it is how any Vagrant machine is created. Anyone using Vagrant must use this command on a day-to-day basis.

How do I initialize vagrant?

Command: vagrant init [name [url]] This initializes the current directory to be a Vagrant environment by creating an initial Vagrantfile if one does not already exist. If a first argument is given, it will prepopulate the config. vm. box setting in the created Vagrantfile.

It looks like you may have created a Vagrant project with just vagrant init. That will create your Vagrantfile, but it won't have a box defined.

Instead, you could try

$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise32
$ vagrant up

which uses a standard Ubuntu image. The Vagrant website has a Getting Started which gives some good examples.

If you're using OS X and used the standard install, Delete vagrant's old curl and it should now work

sudo rm /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curl

vagrant init laravel/homestead

and then

vagrant up

Was what worked for me.

This happened due to having a vagrant file without a defined box name. this happen when you running vagrant init with out a box name parameter.

So you have to delete the Vagrant file then

vagrant init box-title
vagrant up

I hope this could help!

work to me these are the following steps:

  • cd homestead (in your directory homestead folder) OR cd Homestead
  • del vagrantfile or rm -Rf Vagrantfile
  • vagrant init laravel/homestead
  • vagrant up

Please run this in your terminal:

$ vagrant box list

You will see something like laravel/homestead(virtualbox,x.x.x)

Next locate your Vagrantfile and locate the line that says

config.vm.box = "box"

replace box with the box name when you run vagrant box list.