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Failed to open/create the internal network Vagrant on Windows10

I found a solution

  1. Open Windows Network Connections
  2. Right click on VirtualBox Host only adapter that created
  3. Choose properties
  4. Check "VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking driver"
  5. disable and Enable the adapter


There is a known issue with the new NDIS6 driver, you can install it to use the NDIS5 driver

Try reinstalling it with a parameter (Run as administrator)

> VirtualBox-5.0.11-104101-Win.exe -msiparams NETWORKTYPE=NDIS5

This worked for me.

Update: Newer versions made it easier to pick the NDIS driver from within the installation wizard - just pick NDIS5 when asked.

ref: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch02.html#install-win-performing

  • Open Network and Sharing Center and go to the Change adapter settings in the sidebar.

  • Right-click on the host-only adapter in the list of adapters and then Configure button -> Driver tab -> Update driver button.

  • Select Browse my computer ... and in the next dialog select Let me pick .... You should see the list with just host-only driver in it.

  • Select it and click next. After the driver is updated, please try using host-only network in a VM again.

I tried the above options, but in vain. Eventually I uninstalled docker-toolbox (1.11.x) and virtualbox(5.16.x) and CHECKED the following option in the docker-toolbox installer GUI (by default the NDIS5 option was unchecked)

NDIS5 driver option unchecked

Also the virtualadapter in network connections had "Bridge Networking Driver" option UNCHECKED and that worked fine for me

Bridge Networking Driver option unchecked

The same error occurred when I updated Windows. Tried everything. Nothing worked.

Finally, went to Device Manager-> Network Adapters Disabled and enabled the Virtualbox Host only Adapter

And it worked!