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Error when convert Http.Error to String with toString in Elm 0.19



I am working on an Elm task to decode the JSON from API. The problem I met is the decoder I've written is not matched the JSON so I want to show the error. But I cannot convert the error message from #Http.Error# type to #String# type in Elm with toString function. Here is the code:

type Model =
  | Failure String
  | Success (List WishlistItem)
  | NoData

update msg model =
  case msg of
    GotItems (Ok result) ->
      (Success result.data.wish_list_items, Cmd.none)
    GotItems (Err errorString) ->
      (Failure (toString errorString), Cmd.none)

The error was:

NAMING ERROR - I cannot find a toString variable:

168| (Failure (toString errorString), Cmd.none)

I try with Basics.toString but it not work. Can anyone help me to point out the problem?

P/s 1: I am using Elm 0.19

P/s 2: And is there another way to find the problem when decoding the JSON with NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline package? I tried with Debug.log but it just printed the function and have no idea how to debug. It's really hard to know where is the problem.

like image 253
bird Avatar asked Jun 04 '19 11:06


1 Answers

If you're getting back an Http.Error, it will have five possible values:

type Error
    = BadUrl String
    | Timeout
    | NetworkError
    | BadStatus Int
    | BadBody String

If it's an issue with JSON decoding, it'll be BadBody, and the String will be the error message from the JSON decoder. You might want a function like this:

errorToString : Http.Error -> String
errorToString error =
    case error of
        BadUrl url ->
            "The URL " ++ url ++ " was invalid"
        Timeout ->
            "Unable to reach the server, try again"
        NetworkError ->
            "Unable to reach the server, check your network connection"
        BadStatus 500 ->
            "The server had a problem, try again later"
        BadStatus 400 ->
            "Verify your information and try again"
        BadStatus _ ->
            "Unknown error"
        BadBody errorMessage ->

toString was removed in Elm 0.19. There is now Debug.toString, but it cannot be used in production applications (i.e. when --optimize is passed to elm make, it will fail when it finds Debug.toString)

like image 111
bdukes Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10
