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How to link keyboard press to action




I'm getting the hang of Elm but I keep struggling with signals and keyboard presses. The code below is an example of the start-app package. I would like to have that when I press the spacebar that the counter is incremented. How is this done in the example below?

import Html exposing (div, button, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import StartApp.Simple as StartApp

main =
  StartApp.start { model = model, view = view, update = update }

model = 0

view address model =
  div []
    [ button [ onClick address Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
    , div [] [ text (toString model) ]
    , button [ onClick address Increment ] [ text "+" ]

type Action = Increment | Decrement

update action model =
  case action of
    Increment -> model + 1
    Decrement -> model - 1 
like image 552
Stanko Avatar asked Dec 14 '15 20:12


1 Answers

You'll need to use regular StartApp rather than StartApp.Simple because it provides the means to use Effects and Tasks.

The Action needs a NoOp constructor to allow our view to remain unchanged when a key press is not the spacebar.

Then you'll need a function which maps the Keyboard.presses value to an Action. Here's the updated code:

import Html exposing (div, button, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import StartApp
import Effects exposing (Never)
import Task 
import Keyboard
import Char

app =
    { init = init
    , view = view
    , update = update
    , inputs = [ Signal.map spaceToInc Keyboard.presses ]

main =

type alias Model = Int

init =
  (0, Effects.none)

view address model =
  div []
    [ button [ onClick address Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
    , div [] [ text (toString model) ]
    , button [ onClick address Increment ] [ text "+" ]

type Action
  = Increment
  | Decrement
  | NoOp

update action model =
  case action of
    NoOp -> (model, Effects.none)
    Increment -> (model + 1, Effects.none)
    Decrement -> (model - 1, Effects.none)

spaceToInc : Int -> Action
spaceToInc keyCode =
  case (Char.fromCode keyCode) of
    ' ' -> Increment
    _ -> NoOp

port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ())
port tasks =
like image 162
Chad Gilbert Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11

Chad Gilbert