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ERROR: The process "node.exe" not found

The Complete error is

ERROR: The process "node.exe" not found.
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
[Finished in 0.3s with exit code 1]

I am using Sublime text 2, and installed the NodeJS plugin, I tried to run a simple script, it runs fine with alt+r, but when I saved it (ctrl+s) it gave me that. Any idea on how to fix this?

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user24454 Avatar asked Jul 12 '13 18:07


1 Answers

Sounds like you don't have Node installed yet on your Windows machine? If you've already installed it, you can check your PATH variable in System Settings to make sure NODE_PATH is set to the location of your Node install.

EDIT: sorry about that, haven't used node on windows in a while -- travis is right, nodejs.org is best place for install

Node.js download page

Also might be worth checking if nodejs plugin requires 32 or 64-bit version of Node specifically, since they will be installed in different locations.

like image 98
ilmatic Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10
