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ERROR: prepared transaction does not exist in postgresql

I am getting following error in PostgreSQL (9.2) log while running Java EE application with JPA over Hibernate:


How can I optimize settings to avoid this error? This occurs intermittently.

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Valsaraj Viswanathan Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 05:07

Valsaraj Viswanathan

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What is prepared transaction in PostgreSQL?

PREPARE TRANSACTION is a PostgreSQLPostgreSQLPostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system that uses and extends the SQL language combined with many features that safely store and scale the most complicated data workloads.https://www.postgresql.org › aboutAbout - PostgreSQL extension. It is intended for use by external transaction management systems, some of which are covered by standards (such as X/Open XA), but the SQL side of those systems is not standardized.

What is Max_prepared_transactions?

max_prepared_transactions ( integer ) Sets the maximum number of transactions that can be in the “prepared” state simultaneously (see PREPARE TRANSACTION). Setting this parameter to zero (which is the default) disables the prepared-transaction feature. This parameter can only be set at server start.

1 Answers

The reason might be that prepared transactions are disabled by default. To enable them, edit postgresql.conf and set a value higher than 0.

max_prepared_transactions = 64
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Pierre Templier Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

Pierre Templier