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Error - Open clipboard failed

I am using Visio professional 2003. It was working fine. But now when I copy and paste any shapes it showing the error "Open clipboard failed". After that I am not able to change any properties or name.

When I try to close the window it is showing warning as "You cant quit visio program because a program is handling an event from visio. If VBA at break point, reset VBA, then quit"

Can anyone tell me what the problem is?

like image 672
san Avatar asked Sep 26 '11 11:09


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Can not open clipboard in Excel?

Go to the Home tab. Press the small icon in the lower right hand corner of the clipboard section to open the clipboard. Press the Options button. Check off “Show Office Clipboard When Ctrl+C Pressed Twice”.

How do I open clipboard in Excel?

Locate the "Clipboard" area of the ribbon, located on the far-left end. Click the small arrow to the right of the word "Clipboard" and the clipboard will appear on the left edge of the Excel spreadsheet. Click on any item in the clipboard to paste it into whatever cell you currently have selected.

1 Answers

this has been a problem with Visio for 7 years and the last 3 versions of the product(Visio 2003 to Visio 2010).

The issue happens if you are running some other clipboard manager, like ditto or similar. The only thing you can do is use task manager to kill visio, then disable any clipboard manager you are using and restart visio.

like image 63
Sam Holder Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Sam Holder