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Error on pod install



I have a working project the uses a pod file for some weeks now. When I learned that some of my pods have update I tried to 'pod install' on got this weird error

    Analyzing dependencies     [!] Pod::Executable pull      Updating 1337455..e9f6e93     error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:  AeroGear-Push/0.7.0/AeroGear-Push.podspec  AeroGear/1.2.0/AeroGear.podspec  BrynKit/1.3.0/BrynKit.podspec  BrynKit/1.3.1/BrynKit.podspec  CSURITemplate/0.3/CSURITemplate.podspec  EXiLE/1.0.2/EXiLE.podspec  FlurrySDK/4.2.3/FlurrySDK.podspec  FoundationExtension/0.39.1/FoundationExtension.podspec  FoundationExtension/0.39/FoundationExtension.podspec  GCDObjects/0.0.1/GCDObjects.podspec  HTAutocompleteTextField/1.2.1/HTAutocompleteTextField.podspec  HTAutocompleteTextField/1.2.2/HTAutocompleteTextField.podspec  HTAutocompleteTextField/1.2/HTAutocompleteTextField.podspec  IDMPhotoBrowser/1.1.2/IDMPhotoBrowser.podspec  Igor/0.5.0/Igor.podspec  KFOpenWeatherMapAPI/0.2.0/KFOpenWeatherMapAPI.podspec  NGSegmentedViewController/0.1.1/NGSegmentedViewController.podspec  PPiFlatSegmentedControl/1.3/PPiFlatSegmentedControl.podspec  PiwikTracker/2.0.0/PiwikTracker.podspec  SDWebImage/3.4/SDWebImage.podspec  libwbxml/0.11.2/libwbxml.podspec  wbxml/0.0.1/wbxml.podspec      Please move or remove them before you can merge.      Aborting 

another post suggested using the 'rm -rf ~/.cocoapods' command line but this caused my cocoapods to stop working all together for all project now which ever project I try to 'pod install' I get the 'Unable to find a specification for..' error

[!] Unable to find a specification for CorePlot (= 1.3).

like image 470
Matan Poreh Avatar asked Aug 14 '13 06:08

Matan Poreh

People also ask

What does POD install mean?

This is to be used the first time you want to retrieve the pods for the project, but also every time you edit your Podfile to add, update or remove a pod. Every time the pod install command is run — and downloads and install new pods — it writes the version it has installed, for each pods, in the Podfile.

2 Answers

If you landed here on or after January 30th 2014, there is a break in CocoaPods causing this. Please read the related blog post found here: http://blog.cocoapods.org/Repairing-Our-Broken-Specs-Repository/

or do:

pod repo remove master pod setup 
like image 98
Mark Edington Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Mark Edington

solved it on my own the trick was to use $sudo rm -rf ~/.cocoapods to clean the cocoapods master repo and then pod install worked without any problems.

hope this helps other people whom encountered this issue

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Matan Poreh Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Matan Poreh