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Error: Not implemented: HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit

This is how my test case looks :

const renderCard = ({
  onSubmit = jest.fn(),
}: RenderCardParams = {}) => {
  return render(
        <Card title={title} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
          <Button type="submit">Save</Button>

it("should invoke onSubmit when form is submitted", async () => {
      const onSubmit = jest.fn();
      window.HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit = () => {};
      const { getByText } = renderCard({ onSubmit });
      const button = getByText("Save").closest("button");
      if (button) {
      await wait(() => expect(onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalled());

I am receiving "Error: Not implemented: HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit". I tried the solution mentioned here https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/1937 , but it did not work. I do not want to silence the errors but implement the test correctly. Thank you.

like image 974
Ankita Avatar asked Jun 05 '20 13:06


2 Answers

I had a similar issue which was resolved by calling the event.preventDefault() method.

This would need to be called in your 'onSubmit' function i think

const onSubmit = jest.fn(e => e.preventDefault());

edit: woops forgot to invoke it! 😅

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doughellowell Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10


I had to mock the implementation of my onSubmit function to clear the error, preventing the default submit behavior.

Give something like this a try:

const onSubmit = jest.fn();

it("should invoke onSubmit when form is submitted", async () => {
      onSubmit.mockImplementation(event => {

      const { getByText } = renderCard({ onSubmit });
      const button = getByText("Save").closest("button");
      if (button) {
      await wait(() => expect(onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalled());

You can read more about event.preventDefault in React here and here.

Something else that worked for me was using RTL's fireEvent.submit, although you need to get a form element for that to work. Assuming your implementation of Card renders a form in a way that's recognizable by getByRole, you could also try something like this:


That would be in lieu of simulating the button click, which may be acceptable in your case since you seem to be testing form submission rather than the button's behavior.

like image 44
Derek Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
