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Error message "unreported exception java.io.IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown"


filecontent.java:15: unreported exception java.io.IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown

showfile(); ^ filecontent.java:78: unreported exception java.io.IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown

showfile(); ^

I have already thrown java.io.IOException, but still it shows these errors.

My code:

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*;  class filecontent extends Frame implements ActionListener {     TextField t[] = new TextField[4];     TextArea ta[] = new TextArea[4];     Button submit;     Panel p1;     filecontent()     {         setGUI();         setRegister();         showfile();         setTitle("FileData");         setVisible(true);         setSize(300, 300);         /*  addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()             {                  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)                 {                      System.exit(0);                  }             });          */      }      void setGUI()     {         p1 = new Panel();         p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 4, 10, 10));         for(int i=0; i<4; i++)         {             t[i] = new TextField(10);             ta[i] = new TextArea("");             p1.add(t[i]);             p1.add(ta[i]);         }         submit = new Button("Submit");         p1.add(submit);     }      void setRegister()     {         submit.addActionListener(this);     }      void showfile() throws java.io.IOException     {         FileReader fin[] = new FileReader[4];         FileReader fn;         //   br[]=new BufferedReader[4];          for(int i=0;i<4;i++)         {             fin[i]=new FileReader(t[i].getText());         }         int cnt = 1;         String s;         fn = fin[0];         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fn);         while(cnt <= 4)         {             if((s=br.readLine()) != null)             {                 ta[cnt-1].append(s+"");             }             else             {                 cnt++;                 fn = fin[cnt-1];                 ta[cnt-1].setText("");             }         }     }      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)     {         if(ae.getSource()==submit)         {             showfile();         }     }      public static void main(String ar[])     {         new filecontent();     } } 
like image 382
Akash Patel Avatar asked Jan 03 '12 04:01

Akash Patel

People also ask

How do you fix a unreported exception in Java?

you need to wrap this line try{ String filename = reader. readLine(); }catch(IOException e){ } or use throws IO exception at the main method. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException either of them will work. It works, i have wrap : String filename = reader.

Can we throw IOException in Java?

IOException is a 'checked' exception and must either be thrown from a method or else handled. One way of making our code compile is to throw the exception up the call stack.

What is throws IO exception in Java?

The throws keyword in Java is used to declare exceptions that can occur during the execution of a program. For any method that can throw exceptions, it is mandatory to use the throws keyword to list the exceptions that can be thrown.

1 Answers

void showfile() throws java.io.IOException  <----- 

Your showfile() method throws IOException, so whenever you use it you have to either catch that exception or again thorw it. Something like:

try {   showfile(); } catch(IOException e) {   e.printStackTrace(); } 

You should learn about exceptions in Java.

like image 197
Harry Joy Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09

Harry Joy