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Graceful shutdown of threads and executor

The following piece of code tries to accompolish this.

The code loops forever and checks if there are any pending requests to be processed. If there is any, it creates a new thread to process the request and submits it to the executor. Once all the threads are done,it sleeps for 60 seconds and again checks for pending requests.

public static void main(String a[]){
    //variables init code omitted
    ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(15);
    ExecutorCompletionService<Long> comp = new ExecutorCompletionService<Long>(service);
        List<AppRequest> pending = service.findPendingRequests();
        int noPending = pending.size();
        if (noPending > 0) {
            for (AppRequest req : pending) {
                Callable<Long> worker = new RequestThread(something, req);
        for (int i = 0; i < noPending; i++) {
            try {
                Future<Long> f = comp.take();
                long name;
                try {
                    name = f.get();
                    LOGGER.debug(name + " got completed");
                } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {


My question is most of the processing done by these threads deal with database. And this program will run on a windows machine. What happens to these threads when someone tries to shutdown or logoff the machine.? How to gracefully shutdown the running threads and also the executor.?

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user378101 Avatar asked Jul 26 '10 07:07


People also ask

How do I shut down ExecutorService gracefully?

When using an Executor, we can shut it down by calling the shutdown() or shutdownNow() methods. Although, it won't wait until all threads stop executing. Waiting for existing threads to complete their execution can be achieved by using the awaitTermination() method.

What is Executor shutdown?

Shutting down the ExecutorService shutdown() - when shutdown() method is called on an executor service, it stops accepting new tasks, waits for previously submitted tasks to execute, and then terminates the executor. shutdownNow() - this method interrupts the running task and shuts down the executor immediately.

Is it necessary to shutdown ExecutorService?

When finished using an ExecutorService , you need to shut it down explicitly. From its javadoc: "An unused ExecutorService should be shut down to allow reclamation of its resources." Calling shutdown initiates a gradual and orderly shutdown.

How do you stop an Executor in Java?

The ExecutorService class has 2 methods just for this: shutdown() and shutdownNow(). After using the shutdown() method, you can call awaitTermination() to block until all of the started tasks have completed.

3 Answers

A typical orderly shutdown of an ExecutorService might look something like this:

final ExecutorService executor;

Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
    public void run() {
        if (!executor.awaitTermination(SHUTDOWN_TIME)) { //optional *
            Logger.log("Executor did not terminate in the specified time."); //optional *
            List<Runnable> droppedTasks = executor.shutdownNow(); //optional **
            Logger.log("Executor was abruptly shut down. " + droppedTasks.size() + " tasks will not be executed."); //optional **

*You can log that the executor still had tasks to process after waiting the time you were willing to wait.
**You can attempt to force the executor's worker Threads to abandon their current tasks and ensure they don't start any of the remaining ones.

Note that the solution above will work when a user issues an interrupt to your java process or when your ExecutorService only contains daemon threads. If, instead, the ExecutorService contains non-daemon threads that haven't completed, the JVM won't try to shutdown, and therefore the shutdown hooks won't be invoked.

If attempting to shutdown a process as part of a discrete application lifecycle (not a service) then shutdown code should not be placed inside a shutdown hook but at the appropriate location where the program is designed to terminate.

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Tim Bender Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10

Tim Bender

The book "Java Concurrency in Practice" states:

7.4. JVM Shutdown

The JVM can shut down in either an orderly or abrupt manner. An orderly shutdown is initiated when the last "normal" (nondaemon) thread terminates, someone calls System.exit, or by other platform-specific means (such as sending a SIGINT or hitting Ctrl-C). [...]

7.4.1. Shutdown Hooks

In an orderly shutdown, the JVM first starts all registered shutdown hooks. Shutdown hooks are unstarted threads that are registered with Runtime.addShutdownHook. The JVM makes no guarantees on the order in which shutdown hooks are started. If any application threads (daemon or nondaemon) are still running at shutdown time, they continue to run concurrently with the shutdown process. When all shutdown hooks have completed, the JVM may choose to run finalizers if runFinalizersOnExit is true, and then halts. The JVM makes no attempt to stop or interrupt any application threads that are still running at shutdown time; they are abruptly terminated when the JVM eventually halts. If the shutdown hooks or finalizers don't complete, then the orderly shutdown process "hangs" and the JVM must be shut down abruptly. [...]

The important bits are, "The JVM makes no attempt to stop or interrupt any application threads that are still running at shutdown time; they are abruptly terminated when the JVM eventually halts." so I suppose the connection to the DB will abruptly terminate, if no shutdown hooks are there to do a graceful clean up (if you are using frameworks, they usually do provide such shutdown hooks). In my experience, session to the DB can remain until it is timed out by the DB, etc. when the app. is terminated without such hooks.

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Enno Shioji Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10

Enno Shioji

Since adding a shutdown hook to explicitly call shutdown() didn't work for me, I found an easy solution in Google's Guava: com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors.getExitingExecutorService.

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Georgi Peev Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 14:10

Georgi Peev