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error following along with ASP.NET and MVC 5... error CS0246: The type or namespace could not be found




So I am following the examples in the book ASP.NET and MVC 5. Here is the view that results in the error:

@model SportsStore.WebUI.Models.ProductsListViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = "Products";

@foreach (var p in Model.Products)

    @Html.PageLinks(Model.pagingInfo, x => Url.Action("List", new { page = x}))

Intellisense puts the red squigly line under PageLinks (however in the books project it correctly recognizes it). PageLinks is defined in the same project as follows (there are 3 projects in this solution):

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using SportsStore.WebUI.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace SportsStore.WebUI.HtmlHelpers
   public static class PagingHelpers
       public static MvcHtmlString PageLinks(this HtmlHelper html, PagingInfo pagingInfo, Func<int, string> pageUrl)
           StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

           for (int i = 1; i <= pagingInfo.TotalPages; i++)
               TagBuilder tag = new TagBuilder("a");
               tag.MergeAttribute("href", pageUrl(i));
               tag.InnerHtml = i.ToString();

               if (i == pagingInfo.CurrentPage)
               tag.AddCssClass("btn btn-default");

        return MvcHtmlString.Create(result.ToString());

For whatever reason it keeps telling me it cannot find the sportsstore namespace. I am so stuck here. I have actually compiled the completed project from the book and gone through to check and see if I can find any differences, no luck so far. I literally checked every reference and compared both web.config files (the main one and the one for the view). Even if I put a @using directive in the view it still doesn't find it. I've had a lot of problems compiling this project actually. Earlier I had a bunch of issues with ninject that required me to edit the web.config file.

If anyone would like a .zip of my entire solution I'd be happy to upload it somewhere (its about 24mb).

Any help appreciated!!

Thanks, Tom


Here is the appropriate section in the web.config file for the view:

    <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
    <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />
    <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html" />
    <add namespace="System.Web.Routing" />
    <add namespace="SportsStore.WebUI" />
    <add namespace="SportStore.WebUI.HtmlHelpers"/>

like image 497
user3298634 Avatar asked Feb 11 '14 19:02


1 Answers

You've misspelled the SportsStore namespace in the last entry. You're missing an 's' before Store.

like image 137
LukeP Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
