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Error DEP10402: Could not locate the start page. You may need to build your project

One of my Visual Studio 2015 Cordova projects has recently started exhibiting this error when trying to debug with IOS / Ripple - iPhone (any):

Error DEP10402: Could not locate the start page. You may need to build your project.

Oddly it only occurs in this one project and it works fine with Android / Ripple. I can also deploy and debug to local / remote devices just fine.

I've tried rebuilding of course as well as clearing the Cordova cache as well as rebooting.

Any ideas?

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Corey Roth Avatar asked Apr 14 '16 18:04

Corey Roth

2 Answers

Both the above solutions didn't work for me. I did this steps:

1. Locate the start page in config.xml. Usually, it is index.html. 2. Make a copy the index.html and paste it back. The filename is like "index - Copy.html". 3. Delete the original index.html 4. Rename "index - Copy.html" back to index.html 5. Start Debug. 

It worked for me.

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asanga15 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10


Had the same problem, and the posted solutions didn't solve it for me.

I found that when I changed platforms from Android to iOS and Visual Studio was able to deploy the Cordova project...

So to fix the issue for Android, I did the following:

 1. I opened the project folder in Explorer  2. Entered the "platforms" sub-folder  3. Deleted the subfolder "android".   4. Back to Visual Studio => changed platform back to android  5. Rebuild. 

Now the android ripple worked for me.

Another thing to try is to create a new solution configuration:

 1. Set your project as Startup project  2. Build => Configuration Manager...  3. Choose <New...>  4. Name your config. Don't copy settings.  5. Click OK.  6. Set checkmarks in Build and Deploy for your startup project only. 

Choosing the new configuration now allows me to debug in ripple.

Edit: This happens from time to time in my solutions. In addition to the steps above, I have also had to reinstall the platform using the cordova CLI and also (from Visual Studio) removing and adding cordova plugins again. I would advise to try the listed answers until one fixes your problem.

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Mr. Blonde Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

Mr. Blonde