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[Error: Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project.]




I created a Phonegap project according to instructions, checked it into SVN, checked it out and then discovered I could no longer run the build command--necessary to have changes to www be replicated to each platform. Terminal in Mac OS X shows this error:

[Error: Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project.]

like image 681
Chad Schultz Avatar asked Dec 16 '13 16:12

Chad Schultz

1 Answers

Yes as others have stated already you need to check into your SVN a few config files and folders in order to make PhoneGap work when you check it out. This is what defines a PhoneGap project:

  • Has a .cordova directory, with a config.json inside.
  • Has a www directory, with a config.xml inside.
  • Has a platforms directory.

I found that with that in place you can use PhoneGap commands without problems. If you need to see an example of those config files, just run phonegap create myapp.

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Jesús Carrera Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Jesús Carrera