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Error CS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter [duplicate]



I'm trying to figure out why I'm getting this error, I'm not sure what I should do, I've tried to delete parameters and then it works, but I need it to work with parameters. The class "Manager" that inherits from "Employee" gives an error.

using System;

class MainClass
    class Employee
        public string name;
        public string jobTitle;
        public double salary;

        public Employee(string empName, string empJobTitle, double empSalary)


        public double calculateYearlySalary(double salary)
            double yearlySalary = salary * 12;

            return yearlySalary;


    class Manager : Employee
        public int bonus;

        public Manager(string empName, string empJobTitle, double empSalary, int empBonus)



    public static void Main()
        Employee emp1 = new Employee("John", "Junior Software Engineer", 32.45);
        Manager emp2 = new Manager("David", "Senior Software Engineer", 62.20, 10);



The error exactly:

"/Users/Oliver/Projects/printstars/printstars/Program.cs(16,16): Error CS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'empName' of 'MainClass.Employee.Employee(string, string, double)' (CS7036) (printstars)"

like image 678
omic96 Avatar asked Sep 18 '20 13:09


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1 Answers

Employee has no parameterless constructor, so anything which inherits from it needs to specify the values to send to its constructor. You can do this with constructor chaining:

public Manager(string empName, string empJobTitle, double empSalary, int empBonus)
    : base(empName, empJobTitle, empSalary)


The call to base tells the Manager constructor that it should pass those three parameters along to the Employee constructor when creating an instance of itself.

(Side note: You probably also meant to set your class fields within your constructors. Otherwise those values are just going to be ignored.)

like image 113
David Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09
