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ERROR: cannot execute CREATE TABLE in a read-only transaction



I'm trying to setup the pgexercises data in my local machine. When I run: psql -U <username> -f clubdata.sql -d postgres -x I get the error: psql:clubdata.sql:6: ERROR: cannot execute CREATE SCHEMA in a read-only transaction.

Why did it create a read-only database on my local machine? Can I change this?

like image 902
ltrainpr Avatar asked Jul 02 '15 13:07


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3 Answers

Normally the most plausible reasons for this kind of error are :

  • trying create statements on a read-only replica (the entire instance is read-only).

  • <username> has default_transaction_read_only set to ON

  • the database has default_transaction_read_only set to ON

The script mentioned has in its first lines:

\c exercises

and you report that the error happens with CREATE SCHEMA at line 6, not before.

That means that the CREATE DATABASE does work, when run by <username>. And it wouldn't work if any of the reasons above was directly applicable.

One possibility that would technically explain this would be that default_transaction_read_only would be ON in the postgresql.conf file, and set to OFF for the database postgres, the one that the invocation of psql connects to, through an ALTER DATABASE statement that supersedes the configuration file.

That would be why CREATE DATABASE works, but then as soon as it connects to a different database with \c, the default_transaction_read_only setting of the session would flip to ON.

But of course that would be a pretty weird and unusual configuration.

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Daniel Vérité Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10

Daniel Vérité

Reached out to pgexercises.com and they were able to help me.

I ran these commands(separately):

psql -U <username> -d postgres
set transaction read write;
alter database exercises set default_transaction_read_only = off;

Then I dropped the database from the terminal dropdb exercises and ran script again psql -U <username> -f clubdata.sql -d postgres -x -q

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ltrainpr Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10


I was having getting cannot execute CREATE TABLE in a read-only transaction, cannot execute DELETE TABLE in a read-only transaction and others.

They all followed a cannot execute INSERT in a read-only transaction. It was like the connection had switched itself over to read-only in the middle of my batch processing.

Turns out, I was running out of storage!

Write access was disabled when the database could no longer write anything. I am using Postgres on Azure. I don't know if the same effect would happen if I was on a dedicated server.

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Brad Mathews Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10

Brad Mathews