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Syntax error at or near "user" when adding Postgres constraint



I'm running Postgres 8.4.13, and trying to add a constraint to an existing table. According to the docs, this should be possible:

alter table indexed_friends add constraint no_duplicate_user_friends unique (user, friend); 

Yet when I run this I get the following error:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "user" 

I'm confused because I'm following an unique constraint example listed in the documentation almost exactly. I can provide the table schema, but since it's complaining about a syntax error, I'm not sure that's necessary.

like image 704
Kevin Burke Avatar asked Jun 24 '13 01:06

Kevin Burke

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1 Answers

Ahhh... The word user is a reserved word in Postgres.

Surrounding it in quotes:

alter table indexed_friends add constraint no_duplicate_user_friends unique ("user", friend); 


like image 113
Kevin Burke Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10

Kevin Burke