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erlang: How to get an element form a list by its positional index?




In python if I want to retrieve the second element of a list, I can do it like this:

>>> A = [1, 2, 3]
>>> A[1]

What is the equivalent of it in erlang?

like image 819
Anthony Kong Avatar asked Mar 12 '14 06:03

Anthony Kong

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So either use lists:append/1 after your examples:reverse/1 function, or replace reverse([H | T]) -> [reverse(T) | [H]]; with reverse([H | T]) -> reverse(T) ++ [H]; .

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Index() method is required to get the position of an item in the list.

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You can't seriously program in a language just with scalar types like numbers, strings and atoms. For this reason, now that we have a basic knowledge of Erlang's syntax and variables, we have to delve into two basic vector types: tuples and lists.

How do I create a list in Erlang?

In Erlang, Lists are created by enclosing the values in square brackets.

1 Answers

We can use the nth method in the lists module.

1> A = [1, 2, 3].
2> lists:nth(2, A).

Note: The index is not zero based.

like image 170
Anthony Kong Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10

Anthony Kong