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Erlang Cowboy change server signature in HTTP headers

Can someone tell me how to change default server signature in Erlang Cowboy Framework (which is "Cowboy") to a custom one, in all requests? I mean the value for the key "server" in HTTP response headers.

Kind regards, Leandro

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lealoureiro Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 03:03


1 Answers

The best way to achieve this would be by using onresponse hook

cowboy:start_http accepts a list of arguments in which you can supply onrequest and onresponse hooks. The basic syntax is very simple. It is just a tuple consisting on an atom and the name of the function.

   {onresponse, fun custom_onresponse/4}

Within this onresponse function you can modify the headers. For your special case you want to remove Server header. So you custom_onresponse will look like this

                Headers2 = 
                {ok,Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(StatusCode,Headers2,Body,Req),

To replace it you can use keyreplace function like so

Headers2 = 

There is also an example provided in the examples section of cowboy repo. Hope this helps.

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Akshat Jiwan Sharma Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 06:04

Akshat Jiwan Sharma